It was love at first sight.:”hitomebore deshita” Japanese Phrase #420
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ひと目惚れでした。(hitomebore deshita)
It was love at first sight. / 一见钟情。 / 한눈에 반했었습니다. / Bị trúng tiếng sét ái tình.
When you want to describe “an experience of starting to be in love with someone as soon as you see them for the first time”, you would be able to use “ひと目惚れでした。(hitomebore deshita)” which means “It was love at first sight.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and formal and “ひと目惚れだったよ。(hitomebore datta yo)” is used as casual.
Sample 1

なんで田中さんと付き合ったんですか? (Why did you date Mr. Tanaka?) (你为什么会和田中先生交往呢?) (어떻게 타나카씨랑 사귀게 되었습니까?) (Tại sao bạn lại hẹn hò với Tanaka vậy?)

ひと目惚れでした。 (It was love at first sight.) (一见钟情啊。) (한눈에 반했어요.) (Tôi đã bị trúng tiếng sét ái tình.)
Sample 2

なんでミキと付き合ったの? (Why did you date Miku?) (你为什么会和未来交往呢?) (어떻게 미키와 사귀게 되었어?) (Tại sao bạn lại hẹn hò với Miki vậy?)

ひと目惚れだったよ。 (It was love at first sight.) (一见钟情啦。) (한눈에 반해버렸어.) (Tôi đã bị trúng tiếng sét ái tình đấy.)

顔で選んだの? (Did you choose her face?) (也就是说,看脸?) (얼굴 때문에?) (Bạn nhìn mặt chọn người yêu à?9
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