I put on sunscreen.:”hiyakedome wo nuru” Japanese Phrase #474
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日焼け止めを塗る。(hiyakedome wo nuru)
I put on sunscreen. / 涂防晒霜。 / 선크림을 바르다. / Bôi, thoa kem chống nắng.
When you want to describe “to put a substance that you put on your skin to prevent it from being damaged by the sun”, you would be able to use “日焼け止めを塗る。(hiyakedome wo nuru)” which means “I put on sunscreen.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and formal and “日焼け止めを塗ります。(hiyakedome wo nurimasu)” is used as casual.
Sample 1

日焼け止め塗った? (Did you put on sunscreen?) (你涂防晒霜了吗?) (선크림 발랐어?) (Bạn đã thoa kem chống nắng chưa?)

うん、塗ったよ。 (Yeah, I put.) (嗯,涂了。) (응. 발랐어.) (Ừ, tôi đã thoa rồi.)
Sample 2

海に行く時は、日焼け止めを塗ります。 (I put on sunscreen when going to the beach.) (去海边的时候会涂防晒霜。) (바다에 갈때는 선크림을 바릅니다.) (Khi đi biển thì tôi sẽ thoa kem chống nắng.)

今年は海にいきますか? (Will you go to the beach this year?) (你今年会去海边吗?) (올해는 바다에 갑니까?) (Năm nay bạn có đi biển không?)

1週間後に行きます。 (I’ll go the beach next week.) (一个星期以后会去。) (1주일 후에 갑니다.) (Một tuần nữa tôi sẽ đi.)
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