How To Solve The Biggest Problems In Using あえて and わざと.


How to Solve the Biggest Problems in using あえて and わざと.

I’d say many people can correctly use わざと, however, can you correctly use あえて depending on how situations are? If you want to get more variations for speaking, then I would recommend you figure あえて out as well. So this time, let me introduce how to use あえて which natives often use. And when using あえて in the conversations, it is pretty difficult for someone to do that.

あえて (aete)


Using あえて is different from わざと. わたしはあえて___をする which means “I dare to do it.” or “I push myself to do it.”

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あえてうけど、鼻毛出はなげでてるよ! (I dare to say you but I can see your nose hairs.) (特别跟你说一下哦,你鼻毛跑出来了啦!) (굳이 하는 말인데, 털 삐져나왔어!) (Tôi nói không phải nhưng lông mũi của cậu thò ra ngoài kìa.)

政治家せいじかって将来しょうらいためにあえてリスクってるよね。 (Many politicians would dare to take risks for our future.) (所谓政治家,会为了未来反而去採取有风险的行动吧。) (정치가는 미래를 위해 애써 리스크를 감수하지.) (Các chính trị gia ý, vì tương lai mà dám mạo hiểm đấy nhỉ.)

多分たぶんミクのおとうさんさぁ、あえてミクのためにしかったんだとおもうよー。 (I probably think Miku’s dad dares to give you a scolding for you.) (我想大概Miku的爸爸呀,是为了Miku而故意责备她的。) (아마 네 아버지는 널 생각해서 일부러 야단치신 걸거야.) (Tôi nghĩ có lẽ cha của Miku đó chính là vì Miku mới la mắng vậy thôi.)

わざと (wazato)

Purposely / Intentionally

When using わざと, it would mean something bad that someone does on purpose. For instance わざとみずをこぼす (purposely spill water), わざとあしむ (intentionally step on someone’s toes), わざとやる (do it on purpose), etc.


わざとやったんじゃないからゆるしてやりなよー!ねっ? (He didn’t do it on purpose, right? You gotta forgive him, you know?) (他也不是故意那样的,你就原谅他吧!好吗?) (일부러 그런 거 아니니까 용서해 줘! 알았지?) (Tớ không cố tình làm vậy đâu hãy tha thứ cho tớ nhé,đi mà.)

わざとおれのサインドイッチべたよね?ってたでしょ? (I think you intentionally ate my sandwiches, right? I know you know what you ate was whose sandwiches are.) (你是故意吃掉我的三明治的对吧——你早就知道了吧?) (일부러 내 샌드위치 먹었지? 알고 있었잖아.) (Mày đã cố tình ăn bánh sandwich của tao đấy nhỉ.Mày biết mà đúng không.)

さっきさー、わざとかたぶつかってきたよな? (A while ago, you purposely bump into my shoulder, huh?) (刚才啊,你是故意来撞我肩膀的吧——?) (아까 일부러 나랑 어깨 부딪쳤지?) (lúc vừa nãy đó, mày đã cố tình va vào vai tao rồi đấy nhá?)

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