Looking good.:”ī kanji dayo” Japanese Phrase #277


Looking good.:”ī kanji dayo” Japanese Phrase #277

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “いいかんじだよ。(ī kanji dayo)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

いいかんじだよ。(ī kanji dayo)

Looking good. / 看起来还不错。 / 좋은 느낌이야. / Thấy được đấy. , Cảm giác được đấy.

When you feel pleasure and satisfaction because what someone has done or got something great, you would be able to use “いいかんじだよ。(ī kanji dayo)” which means “Looking good.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual. “いいかんじですね。(ī kanji desu ne)” is used as polite and formal.

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Sample 1


似合にあってる? (Do I look ok?) (这适合我吗?) (어울려?) (Có hợp với tớ không?) (niatteru?)


いいかんじだよ。 (Looking good.) (看起来还不错。) (잘 어울린다) (Tớ thấy được đấy.) (ī kanji dayo.)

Sample 2


似合にあってますか? (How do I look?) (这适合我吗?) (어울립니까?) (Cậu thấy hợp với tớ không?) (niatte masu ka?)


いいかんじですね! (Looking good!) (看起来感觉还不错。) (잘 어울립니다!) (Tớ thấy được đấy.) (ī kanji desu ne!)


じゃあ、これいます。 (Then, I’ll buy this.) (好,那我就买这个吧。) (그럼 이걸로 할게요) (Vậy thì tớ sẽ mua cái này.) (jā, kore kai masu.)

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