That’s it.:”ijō desu” Japanese Phrase #314


That’s it.:”ijō desu” Japanese Phrase #314

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “以上いじょうです。(ijō desu)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

以上いじょうです。(ijō desu)

That’s it. / 到此为止。 / 이상입니다. / Xin hết.

When you want to describe “to say that something has ended”, you would be able to use “以上いじょうです。(ijō desu)” which means “That’s it.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and formal and even casual.

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Sample 1


今日きょう以上いじょうです。それじゃあまた次回じかいのレッスンでね。 (That’s it for today. See you at the next lesson.) (今天就到此为止。那么就下次上课见了。) (오늘은 이상입니다. 그럼 또 다음 레슨 때 만나요.) (Hôm nay xin hết ở đây. Vậy thì hẹn gặp lại ở bài học tiếp theo.) (kyō wa ijō desu. sore jā mata jikai no ressun dene.)


ありがとうございました! (Thanks a lot!) (谢谢您!) (감사합니다!) (Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều!) (arigatō gozai mashita!)

Sample 2


なにほかしいものはありますか。 (Is there anything else I can get you?) (你还想要别的东西吗?) (다른 거 뭐 필요하신 것 있습니까?) (Bạn có muốn cái gì khác không?) (nani ka hoka ni hoshī mono wa arimasu ka.)


いまのところは以上いじょうです。 (That’s all for now.) (暂时就这些吧。) (지금은 딱히 없습니다.) (Hiện tại thì hết rồi.) (imano tokoro wa ijō desu.)

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