Walk the dog:”inu wo sanpo suru” Japanese Phrase #372
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犬を散歩する。(inu wo sanpo suru)
Walk the dog / 遛狗。 / 개를 산책시키다. / Dắt chó đi dạo.
When you want to describe ” to take a dog for a walk”, you would be able to use “犬を散歩する。(inu wo sanpo suru)” which means “Walk the dog”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “犬を散歩します。(inu wo sanpo shimasu)” is used polite and formal. Furthermore, native speakers sometimes omit “を” of “犬を散歩する。”, so that would be “犬散歩する。” which is casual than “犬を散歩する。”.
Sample 1
どこ行くの? (Where are you going?) (你要去哪儿?) (어디 가는거야?) (Bạn đi đâu vậy?)
ちょっと犬を散歩してくるね。 (I am just going to walk the dog.) (我去遛遛狗。) (잠깐 강아지 산책시키고 올게) (Tôi dắt chó đi dạo một chút nhé.)
どこまで行くの? (How far are you going?) (去到哪儿遛?) (어디까지 갈거야?) (Bạn đi đến đâu đấy?)
Sample 2
犬、散歩してきてくれる? (Can you walk the dog?) (能帮我遛会儿狗吗?) (강아지 산책시켜 줄래?) (Bạn có thể dắt chó đi dạo giúp tôi được không?)
いいよ。 (All right.) (好啊。) (그래.) (Được chứ.)
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