I have bad handwriting.:”ji ga kitanai desu” Japanese Phrase #513
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字がきたないです。(ji ga kitanai desu)
I have bad handwriting.
When you want to say “I have bad handwriting.”, you would be able to use “字がきたないです。(ji ga kitanai desu)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and formal. And “字がきたないの。(ji ga kitanai no)” is used as casual for gilrs/women and “字がきたないんだ。 (ji ga kitanai n da)” for boys/men.
Sample 1
字がきたないです。 (I have bad handwriting.) (我的字写得不好看。) (글씨가 지저분합니다.) (Chữ viết xấu quá.)
練習したらうまくなりますよ。 (If you practice about it, it would be better.) (练习的话就会变好的。) (연습하면 잘해질 거에요.) (Nếu chịu khó luyện tập thì sẽ đẹp lên đấy.)
Sample 2
字がきたないの。 (I have bad handwriting.) (我的字有点儿丑哎。) (글씨가 지저분해.) (Chữ viết xấu quá.)
気にしなくていいよ。 (No worries.) (别太在意就行。) (신경 안 써도 돼) (Đừng để ý là được mà.)
うまくなりたいなー。 (I wanna have good one.) (我想写得更好看一点。) (잘 쓰고 싶어..) (Tôi muốn chữ đẹp hơn cơ.)
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