Cover up for:”kabau” Japanese Phrase #275


Cover up for:”kabau” Japanese Phrase #275

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “かばう。(kabau)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!


Cover up for / 包庇。 / 감싸다. / Che giấu, bao che.

When someone hides the truth about something by not telling what you know or by preventing other people from telling what they know, you would be able to use “かばう。(kabau)” which means “Cover up for”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual. “かばいます。(kabai masu)” is used as polite and formal.

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Sample 1


窓壊まどこわしたのだれってる? (Do you know who broke this window?) (你知道是谁打破了窗户吗?) (창문 유리 누가 깼는지 알아?) (Bạn có biết ai đã làm vỡ cửa sổ không?) (mado kowashita no dare ka shitteru?)


さぁ・・・ (I.. don’t know…) (这……) (글쎄.) (Để xem nào…) (sā…)


だれかばおうとしてない? (You’re trying to cover up for somebody, huh?) (你没有在包庇谁吧?) (누군가를 감싸고 있는거 아냐?) (Có phải cậu đang định bao che cho ai đó đúng không?) (dareka kabaou to shite nai?)

Sample 2


わたし財布盗さいふぬすんだのってリョウだよね? (Ryo stole my wallet, right?) (是不是阿亮偷了我的钱包?) (내 지갑 훔친거 료 맞지?) (Người đã lấy cắp ví của tôi là Ryo đúng không nhỉ?) (watashi no saifu nusunda no tte ryō dayone?)


全然ぜんぜんらないよ・・・ (I don’t know at all…) (我什么也不知道……) (전혀 모르겠는데 …) (Tôi hoàn toàn không biết gì hết á…) (zenzen, shiranai yo…)


なんかばってるの? (Why do you cover up for him?) (你干嘛要包庇他?) (왜 감싸는거야?) (Tại sao bạn bao che cho nó?) (nande kabatteru no?)

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