Antonym:かねもち(kanemochi) vs. びんぼう(binbou)


Antonym:かねもち(kanemochi) vs. びんぼう(binbou)

What is the difference between “かねもち(kanemochi) and びんぼう(binbou)”? Which is used as the meaning of “rich”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

かねもち (kanemochi)

Rich / 有钱人 / 부자 / Giàu

“かねもち(kanemochi)” means “Rich” and which has been used as the meaning of “having a lot of money”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はかねもちだ。(___ am/is/are rich.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはかねもちだ。(I’m rich.)”, “かれはかねもちだ。(He’s rich.)”, “彼女かのじょはかねもちだ。(She’s rich.)”, etc. Everyone could use “かねもち” as casual, polite and formal such as “かれはかねもちだよ。(He’s rich.)” as casual and “かれはかねもちです。(He’s rich.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “かねもち” is “金持かねもち”. Additionally, “お金持かねもち” sounds more polite “金持かねもち”, so girls/women tend to use “お金持かねもち”.

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友達ともだち家族かぞくはお金持かねもちだよ。 (One of my friend’s Her family is rich.) (我朋友的家人很富有。) (친구 가족은 부자야.) (Gia đình của bạn tôi rất giàu có.)


あに金持かねもちだから、ノートパソコンをってくれました。 (Since my brother is a rich person, he bought me a laptop.) (我的哥哥很有钱,所以他给我买了一台笔记本电脑。) (형이 돈이 많아서 저에게 노트북을 사줬습니다.) (Vì anh trai tôi rất giàu có nên anh đã mua máy tính xách tay cho tôi.)


金持かねもちになったら、いえいたいです。 (If I become rich, I’d like to buy a house.) (等我发财以后,我想买房子。) (부자가 되면 집을 사고 싶습니다.) (Nếu tôi trở nên giàu có, tôi muốn mua một ngôi nhà.)


金持かねもちなの? (Are you rich?) (你有钱吗?) (부자야?) (Bạn có giàu không?)

びんぼう (binbou)

Poor / 穷人 / 가난 / Nghèo

“びんぼう(binbou)” means “Poor” and which has been used as the meaning of “having little money”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はびんぼうだ。(___ am/is/are poor.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはびんぼうだ。(I’m poor.)”, “かれはびんぼうだ。(He’s poor.)”, “彼女かのじょはびんぼうだ。(She’s poor.)”, etc. Everyone could use “びんぼう” as casual, polite and formal such as “かれはびんぼうだよ。(He’s poor.)” as casual and “かれはびんぼうです。(He’s poor.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “びんぼう” is “貧乏びんぼう“. Additionally, we don’t say “お貧乏びんぼう“, even if you are a girl/woman.



友達ともだち家族かぞく貧乏びんぼうだよ。 (One of my friend’s Her family is poor.) (我朋友的家人很穷。) (친구의 가족은 가난해.) (Gia đình của bạn tôi rất nghèo.)


あに貧乏びんぼうだから、何もってくれません。 (Since my brother is a poor person, he doesn’t buy anything at all.) (我哥哥很穷,所以不会买任何东西给我。) (형이 가난해서 저에게 아무것도 사주지 않습니다.) (Vì anh trai tôi rất nghèo nên anh ấy chẳng mua gì cho tôi cả.)


貧乏びんぼうになったら、いえります。 (If I become poor, I”ll sell my house.) (我以后要是没钱了,就打算把房子卖掉。) (가난해지면 집을 팔 것입니다.) (Nếu trở nên nghèo khó, tôi sẽ bán nhà.)


貧乏びんぼうなの? (Are you poor?) (你是穷人吗?) (가난해?) (Bạn có nghèo không?)

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