Antonym:かんたん (kantan) vs. むずかしい (muzukashii)


Antonym:かんたん (kantan) vs. むずかしい (muzukashii)

What is the difference between “かんたん(kantan) and むずかしい(muzukashii)”? Which is used as the meaning of “easy”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

かんたん (kantan)

Easy / 简单 / 쉽다 / Dễ

“かんたん(kantan)” means “Easy” and which has been used as the meaning of “needing little effort”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はかんたんだ。(___ is easy.)”, etc. For instance, “このほんはかんたんだ。(This book is easy.)”, “この問題もんだいはかんたんだ。(This question is easy.)”, “このパソコンの使つかかたはかんたんだ。(The way to use this laptop is easy.)”, etc. Everyone could use “かんたん” as casual, polite and formal such as “このほんはかんたんだよ。(This book is easy.)” as casual and “このほんはかんたんです。(This book is easy.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “かんたん” is “簡単かんたん“.

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簡単かんたんだったよ。 (It was easy.) (这很容易。) (쉬웠어.) (Thật dễ dàng.)


ゴルフは簡単かんたんでした。 (Playing golf was easy.) (高尔夫很容易。) (골프는 쉬웠습니다.) (Đánh golf thật đơn giản.)


このレシピは簡単かんたんです。 (This recipe is easy.) (这道菜很好做。) (이 레시피는 간단합니다.) (Công thức này rất dễ dàng.)


おもったより簡単かんたんだったよ。 (That was easier than I thought.) (这比我想象的容易。) (생각보다 쉬웠어.) (Nó dễ hơn tôi nghĩ.)

むずかしい (muzukashii)

Difficult / 困难 / 어렵다 / Khó

“むずかしい(muzukashii)” means “Difficult” and which has been used as the meaning of “needing skill or effort”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はむずかしい。(___ is difficult.)”, etc. For instance, “このほんはむずかしい。(This book is difficult.)”, “この問題もんだいはむずかしい。(This question is difficult.)”, “このパソコンの使つかかたはむずかしい。(The way to use this laptop is difficult.)”, etc. Everyone could use “むずかしい” as casual, polite and formal such as “このほんはむずかしいよ。(This book is difficult.)” as casual and “このほんはむずかしいです。(This book is difficult.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “むずかしい” is “むずかしい”.



むずかしかったよ。 (It was difficult.) (这很难。) (어려웠어.) (Thật khó khăn.)


ゴルフはむずかしかったです。 (Playing golf was difficult.) (高尔夫很难。) (골프는 어려웠습니다.) (Đánh golf thật là khó.)


このレシピはむずかしいです。 (This recipe is difficult.) (这道菜很难做。) (이 레시피는 어렵습니다.) (Công thức này thật là khó.)


おもったよりむずかしかったよ。 (That was more difficult than I thought.) (这比我想象中的还要更加困难。) (생각보다 어려웠어.) (Nó khó khăn hơn tôi nghĩ.)

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