Antonym:からい (karai) vs. あまい (amai)


Antonym:からい (karai) vs. あまい (amai)

What is the difference between “からい(karai) and あまい(amai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “spicy”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

からい (karai)

Spicy / 辣 / 맵다 / Cay, mặn

“からい(karai)” means “Spicy” and which has been used as the meaning of “containing strong flavors from spices”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はからい。(___ is spicy.)”, etc. For instance, “これはからい。(Thi is spicy.)”, “とうがらしはからい。(Chillies are spicy.)”, etc. Everyone could use “からい” as casual, polite and formal such as “これはからいよ。(Thi is spicy.)” as casual and “これはからいです。(Thi is spicy.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “からい” is “からい”.

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これってからい? (Is this spicy?) (这个很辣吗?) (이거 매워?) (Món này có cay không?)


からいソースいただけますか? (Can I have some hot sauce please?) (我可以要点辣酱吗?) (매운 소스 좀 주실래요?) (Cho tôi nước sốt cay có được không?)


からいものはきですか? (Do you like spicy food?) (你喜欢辣的东西吗?) (매운 것은 좋아합니까?) (Bạn có thích những món cay không?)


からっ! (Too spicy!) (好辣!) (매웟!) (Cay quá!)

あまい (amai)

Sweet / 甜 / 달다 / Ngọt

“あまい(amai)” means “Sweet” and which has been used as the meaning of “having a taste similar to that of sugar”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はあまい。(___ is sweet.)”, etc. For instance, “これはあまい。(Thi is sweet.)”, “このドーナツはあまい。(This donut/doughnut is sweet.)”, etc. Everyone could use “あまい” as casual, polite and formal such as “これはあまいよ。(Thi is sweet.)” as casual and “これはあまいです。(Thi is sweet.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “あまい” is “あまい”.



これってあまい? (Is this sweet?) (这个很甜吗?) (이거 달아?) (Món này có ngọt không?)


あまいソースいただけますか? (Can I have some sweet sauce please?) (我可以要一点甜酱吗?) (달콤한 소스 좀 주시겠어요?) (Cho tôi nước sốt ngọt có được không?)


あまいものはきですか? (Do you like sweet food?) (你喜欢甜食吗?) (단 것은 좋아합니까?) (Bạn có thích đồ ngọt không?)


あまっ! (Too Sweet!) (好甜!) (달앗!) (Ngọt quá!)

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