Itchy:”kayui” Japanese Phrase #272
Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “かゆい。(kayui)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!
Itchy / 很痒。 / 가렵다 / Ngứa.
When you describe “to have or cause an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails”, you would be able to use “かゆい。(kayui)” which means “Itchy”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual. “かゆいです。(kayui desu)” is used as polite and formal.
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Sample 1

かゆいなー。 (I’m itchy.) (我好痒喔。) (가려워~) (Ngứa quá.) (kayui na-.)

どこがかゆいの? (Which part is itchy?) (你哪儿痒呢?) (어디가 가려운거야?) (Bạn bị ngứa ở đâu?) (doko ga kayui no?)

足がかゆいよ。 (My leg is itchy.) (脚痒。) (다리가 가려워.) (Cái chân của tôi ngứa quá nè!) (ashi ga kayui yo.)
Sample 2

背中がかゆいなー。 (My back itches.) (我的背好痒。) (등이 가려워~) (Lưng tôi ngứa quá.) (senaka se ga kayui na-.)

見せてみて。 (Let me see.) (给我看看。) (어디 보자) (Cho tôi xem thử với nào.) (misete mite.)

背中かいてくない? (Can you scratch my back?) (可以顺便帮我挠一下背吗?) (등 좀 긁어 줄래?) (Cậu gãi lưng giúp tôi được không?) (senaka kaite kunai?)
Sample 3

蚊に刺されたからかゆいよ。 (I’m itchy because I got bit by a mosquito.) (Me pica porque me picó un mosquito.) (ka ni sasareta kara kayui yo.)

薬あるの? (Do you have medicine?) (¿Tienes medicina?) (kusuri aruno?)
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