Are you married?:”kekkon shite masuka?” Japanese Phrase #522


Are you married?:”kekkon shite masuka?” Japanese Phrase #522

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結婚けっこんしてますか?(kekkon shite masuka?)

Are you married? / 你结婚了吗? / 결혼했습니까? / Bạn đã kết hôn chưa?

When you want to say “Are you married?”, you would be able to use “結婚けっこんしてますか?(kekkon shite masuka?)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “結婚けっこんしてるの?(kekkon shite runo?)” is used as polite and formal.

Sample 1

結婚けっこんしてるの? (Are you married?) (你结婚了吗?) (결혼했어?) (Bạn đã kết hôn chưa?)

ううん。結婚けっこんしてないよ。 (Nope. I’m not married.) (没,我还没结婚呢。) (아니, 안했어) (Không. Tôi chưa kết hôn.)

Sample 2

結婚けっこんしてますか? (Are you married?) (你结婚了吗?) (결혼하셨어요?) (Bạn đã kết hôn chưa?)

はい、結婚けっこんしています。 (Yes, I’m married.) (嗯,我结婚了。) (예, 결혼했습니다.) (Vâng, tôi đã kết hôn rồi.)

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