“kekkou desu” or “daijoubu desu”:Which is Much Stronger to Refuse?


“kekkou desu” or “daijoubu desu”:Which is Much Stronger to Refuse?

Which words do you use in refusing an invitation, “けっこうです(kekkou desu)” or “だいじょうぶです(daijoubu desu)”? Although the meaning of both is the absolute same meaning, one of two is more polite than the other. Let me introduce the meaning of both and which one is the more polite way to refuse today!

結構けっこうです。(kekkou desu)

No thank you. / 不用 / 괜찮아요 / Đủ rồi

結構けっこうです” means “No thank you.” and which has been for people who refuse an invitation. “結構けっこうです” sounds pretty unfriendly and stronger. So native speakers feel that people saying “結構けっこうです” might’ve got a little bit angry in people using it. However, if you FRIENDLY say “結構けっこうです”, you would be just polite. If not, you would be rather impolite. You should be pretty careful to use “結構けっこうです”. When using this, you have to be smiley.

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もうすこしコーヒーいかがですか? (Would you like some more coffee?) (要不要来点咖啡?) (커피 더 마실래요?) (Bạn có muốn thêm cà phê không?)


いいえ 、結構けっこうです。 (No thank you.) (不用了,谢谢。) (아뇨. 괜찮아요.) (Không cần đâu, tôi đủ rồi.)


ポテトとドリンクをけますか? (Would you like a drink with your fries?) (有附薯条和饮料吗?) (감자튀김과 음료도 같이 하시겠어요?) (Bạn có dùng kèm thêm khoai tây chiên và đồ uống không?)


結構けっこうです、ありがとう。 (No thank you.) (不用,谢谢。) (괜찮습니다. 고마워요.) (Cám ơn, tôi đủ rồi.)

大丈夫だいじょうぶです。(daijoubu desu)

I’m good now, thanks. / 没关系 / 괜찮습니다 / Không cần đâu

大丈夫だいじょうぶです” means “I’m good now, thanks.” and which has been also used for people who refuse the invitation. “大丈夫だいじょうぶです” is the basic refusing word for the invitation. It’s not impolite and you shouldn’t be careful whether you’re saying it friendly or not. So, “大丈夫だいじょうぶです” is the better use to refuse it. Native speakers often use this in daily conversations “あっ、大丈夫だいじょうぶです。” like this. Somewhat adding “あっ” before “大丈夫だいじょうぶです。”, that would be pretty polite than only saying “大丈夫だいじょうぶです。”.



今晩こんばんごはんべにくけど、一緒いっしょない? (Do you want to join us for dinner tonight?) (我现在要去吃晚饭,要不要一起去?) (오늘 저녁 먹으러 가는데, 같이 갈래?) (Tớ đi ăn tối đây, cậu có muốn đi cùng không?)


ありがとう。でも今日きょう大丈夫だいじょうぶだわ。 (Thanks, but I’m fine today.) (谢谢。但今天不去了。) (고마워. 그런데 오늘은 괜찮아.) (Cám ơn, nhưng hôm nay thì thôi vậy.)


一緒いっしょにランチしようよ! (Let’s have lunch together!) (我们一起吃午餐吧!) (같이 점심 먹자!) (Cùng ăn trưa đi!)


あっ、いま大丈夫だいじょうぶ、ありがとう。 (Oh, I’m good now, thnaks.) (哦,现在有点不方便,谢谢。) (아, 지금은 괜찮아. 고마워.) (A, bây giờ thì không được, cám ơn nhé.)

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