Where does this go?:”kore doko ni shimau no?” Japanese Phrase #386


Where does this go?:”kore doko ni shimau no?” Japanese Phrase #386

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “これ、どこにしまうの?(kore doko ni shimau no?)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

これ、どこにしまうの?(ore doko ni shimau no?)

Where does this go? / 这个,要放回哪儿? / 이거, 어디에다 치워? / Cái này cất ở đâu vậy?

When you want to ask “where you should put away something” to someone, you would be able to use “これ、どこにしまうの?(kore doko ni shimau no?)” which means “Where does this go?”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “これ、どこにしまいますか?(kore doko ni shimaimasuka?)” is used as polite and formal.

Sample 1


このおさら、どこにしまいますか? (Where does plate go?) (这个碟子要放回哪儿?) (이 접시 어디에 치웁니까?) (Cái đĩa này cất ở đâu vậy ạ?)


食器棚しょっきだな3段目さんだんめですよ。 (This goes on the third shelf of the cupboard.) (放到碗柜的第三格。) (찬장 3단입니다.) (Ở tầng thứ ba của kệ chén bát ấy.)

Sample 2


これ、どこにしまうの? (Where does this go?) (这个要放哪回儿?) (이거, 어디에다 치워?) (Cái này cất ở đâu vậy?)


これはあそこだよ。 (This goes there.) (这个要放那边喔。) (이거는 저기야.) (Cái này thì cất ở đằng kia ấy.)


じゃあ、これは? (Well, how about this?) (那,这个呢?) (그럼 이건?) (Vậy thì, cái này thì sao?)

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