How much is this?:”kore wa ikura desuka?” Japanese Phrase #379
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これはいくらですか?(kore wa ikura desuka?)
How much is this? / 这个多少钱? / 이것은 얼마입니까? / Cái này giá bao nhiêu?
When you want to describe “having a high temperature”, you would be able to use “これはいくらですか?(kore wa ikura desuka?)” which means “It’s getting hot, isn’t it?”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and formal and “これいくら?(kore ikura?)” is used as casual. Furthermore, a lot of native speakers often omit “は” of “これはいくらですか?(kore wa ikura desuka?)” so that would be “これいくらですか?(kore wa ikura desuka?)” is used as polite.
Sample 1

これはいくらですか? (How much is this?) (这个多少钱?) (이것은 얼마입니까?) (Cái này giá bao nhiêu?)

1000円です。 (That’ll be 1000 yen.) (1000日元。) (1000엔입니다.) (1000 yên.)
Sample 2

これいくらですか? (How much is this?) (这个多少钱?) (이거 얼마입니까?) (Cái này giá bao nhiêu?)

500円だよ。 (That’ll be 500 yen.) (500日元。) (500 엔이야.) (500 yên.)

それ1つ下さい。 (Can I have one of those?) (请给我一个那个。) (그거 하나 주세요.) (Hãy lấy cho tôi một cái đó.)
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