“kutsu wo haku” vs. “kutsu wo nugu”:They Are The Opposite Meaning.
What is the difference between “靴を履く(kutsu wo haku) and 靴を脱ぐ(kutsu wo nugu)? Which is used as the meaning of “put on shoes”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
靴を履く(kutsu wo haku)
Put on shoes / 穿鞋 / 신발을 신다 / Mang, đi, xỏ giày
“靴を履く(kutsu wo haku)” means “Put on shoes” and which has been used as the meaning of “to have shoes on your foot”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/が靴を履く(___ put on shoes.)”, etc. For instance, “私は/が靴を履く。(I put on shoes.)”, “彼女は/が靴を履く。(She puts on shoes.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “靴を履く” is used as the meaning of “TO HAVE SHOES ON YOUR FOOT”, unlike “靴を脱ぐ”. Everyone could use “靴を履く” as casual, polite and formal such as “靴を履いたよ。(I put on shoes.)” as casual “靴を履きました。(I put on shoes.)” as polite and formal.
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靴履いた?(Have you put on your shoes?) (你穿上鞋了吗?) (신발 신었어?) (Bạn đã mang giày chưa?) (kutsu haita?)

靴を履いてください。 (Please put on your shoes.) (请穿上你的鞋子。) (신발을 신어주세요.) (Xin hãy vui lòng mang giày vào.) (kutsu wo haite kudasai.)

靴を履いてもいいですか? (Is it okay if I put my shoes on?) (我可以穿鞋吗?) (신발을 신어도 되나요?) (Tôi mang giày cũng được chứ?) (kutsu wo haite mo ī desu ka?)

靴を履いたままでいいですか? (Can I keep my shoes on?) (我可以穿着鞋吗?) (신발을 신은 채로 있어도 되나요?) (Tôi mang nguyên giày như thế này cũng được chứ?) (kutsu wo haita mama de ī desu ka?)
靴を脱ぐ(kutsu wo nugu)
Take off shoes / 脱鞋 / 신발을 벗다 / Cởi giày
“靴を脱ぐ(kutsu wo nugu)” means “Take off shoes” and which has been used as the meaning of “to remove shoes on your foot”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/が靴を脱ぐ(___ take off shoes.)”, etc. For instance, “私は/が靴を脱ぐ。(I take off shoes.)”, “彼女は/が靴を脱ぐ。(She takes off shoes.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “靴を脱ぐ” is used as the meaning of “TO REMOVE SHOES ON YOUR FOOT”, unlike “靴を履く”. Everyone could use “靴を脱ぐ” as casual, polite and formal such as “靴を脱いだよ。(I took off shoes.)” as casual “靴を脱ぎました。(I took off shoes.)” as polite and formal.

靴脱いだ?(Have you took off your shoes?) (你脱鞋了吗?) (신발 벗었어?) (Bạn đã cởi giày chưa?) (kutsu nuida?)

靴を脱いでください。 (Please take off your shoes.) (请脱鞋。) (신발을 벗어주세요.) (Xin hãy vui lòng cởi giày ra.) (kutsu wo nuide kudasai.)

靴を脱いでもいいですか? (Is it okay if I take my shoes off?) (我可以脱鞋吗?) (신발을 벗어도 될까요?) (Tôi cởi giày ra cũng được chứ?) (kutsu wo nui de mo ī desu ka?)

おいおいー。靴を脱ぎっぱなしにするなよ。 (Come on! Don’t leave your shoes lying around.) (喂喂,不要把鞋脱了随便放。) (야~ 신발 벗은 채로 있지 마.) (Này, này. Đừng có cởi giày suốt như vậy chứ.) (oioi-. kutsu wo nugippanashi ni suruna yo.)
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