It was cloudy today.:”kyou wa kumori datta” Japanese Phrase #492


It was cloudy today.:”kyou wa kumori datta” Japanese Phrase #492

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “今日きょうくもりだった。(kyou wa kumori datta)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

今日きょうくもりだった。(kyou wa kumori datta)

It was cloudy today. / 今天多云。 / 오늘은 흐린 날씨였다. / Hôm nay trời nhiều mây.

When you describe “it’s so full of clouds that you can’t see the sun.”, you would be able to use “今日きょうくもりだった。(kyou wa kumori datta)” which means “It was cloudy today.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “今日きょうくもりでした。(kyou wa kumori dehita)” is used as polite and formal.

Sample 1


今日きょうくもりでした。 (It was cloudy today.) (今天多云。) (오늘은 흐렸습니다.) (Hôm nay trời nhiều mây.)


そうなんですね。 (Oh, I see.) (對呀,是这样的呢。) (그랬군요.) (Đúng là như vậy nhỉ.)

Sample 2


今日きょうくもりだったよ。 (It was cloudy today.) (今天多云。) (오늘은 흐렸어.) (Hôm nay trời nhiều mây đấy.)


そうなんだ。東京とうきょうれでした。 (Oh, I see. It was sunny in Tokyo.) (这样啊。东京是晴天。) (그렇구나. 도쿄는 맑았어요.) (Vậy à. Tokyo thì lại nắng đẹp.)

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