Oh well… :”ma ikka…” Japanese Phrase #334


Oh well… :“ma ikka…” Japanese Phrase #334

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “ま、いっか・・・(ma ikka…)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

ま、いっか・・・(ma ikka…)

Oh well… / …还可以吧。 / 뭐, 됐어… / Thôi cũng được…

When you want to describe “to indicate that you accept a situation or that someone else should accept it, even though you or they are not very happy about it, because it is not too bad and cannot be changed”, you would be able to use “ま、いっか・・・(ma, ikka…)” which means “Oh well…”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and “ま、しょうがないですね・・・(ma, shōga nai desu ne)” is used as polite and formal.

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Sample 1


できたー。これでいい? (Done! Is this okay?) (我做完了。这样可以吗?) (끝났다~. 이걸로 괜찮아?) (Xong rồi.Thế này có ổn không?) (de kita-. kore de ī?)


うーん・・・ま、いっか・・・ (Umm… Oh well…) (嗯……还可以吧。) (음~…. 뭐 괜찮아…) (Ừm … Thôi cũng được …) (u-n ma, ikka…)

Sample 2


今日きょう宿題しゅくだいしなくてもいいですよね? (Is it okay if I don’t do my homework today?) (今天不写功课也没关系吧?) (오늘은 숙제 안해도 되는거죠?) (Hôm nay không làm bài tập về nhà cũng được phải không?) (kyō wa shukudai shinakute mo ī desu yo ne?)


ま、しょうがないですね・・・ (Oh well…) (嗯……真拿你没办法。) (뭐, 어쩔 수 없네요 …) (Ừ cũng không có cách nào khác …) (ma, shōga naid esu ne)

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