I think you have the wrong number.:”machigai denwa desuyo” Japanese Phrase #404


I think you have the wrong number.:”machigai denwa desuyo” Japanese Phrase #404

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “間違まちが電話でんわですよ。(machigai denwa desuyo)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

間違まちが電話でんわですよ。(machigai denwa desuyo)

I think you have the wrong number. / 打错电话了。 / 잘못 온 전화예요. / Gọi điện thoại nhầm số

When you want to say “a person who calls you as a wrong number”, you would be able to use “間違まちが電話でんわですよ。(machigai denwa desuyo)” which means “I think you have the wrong number.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and formal.

Sample 1


もしもし?田中たなかさんいますか? (Hello? Is Mr. Tanaka there?) (喂,田中先生在吗?) (여보세요? 타나까씨 계십니까?) (A lô? Có Tanaka ở đó không?)


いませんよ。すいません。間違まちが電話でんわですよ。 (No. I’m sorry. I think you have the wrong number.) (没有这个人。不好意思,你打错电话了。) (아니요. 죄송합니다. 전화 잘 못 거셨습니다.) (Không có. Xin lỗi, bạn gọi nhầm số rồi.)

Sample 2


もしもし?レイ? (Hello? Is that Rei?) (喂,莲吗?) (여보세요? 레이?) (A lô? Rei hả?)


たつやだよ。 (I’m Tatsuya.) (我是达也。) (타쯔야야) (Tôi là Tatsuya đây.)


ごめん。間違まちが電話でんわしちゃった。 (Sorry, I think I had the wrong number.) (抱歉,我打错电话了。) (미안, 전화 잘 못 걸었어.) (Xin lỗi. Tôi gọi nhầm số rồi.)

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