“mae” vs. “temae”:Are You Still Getting Confused?


“mae” vs. “temae”:Are You Still Getting Confused?

What is the difference between “まえ(mae) and 手前てまえ(temae)“? Are these “手前てまえうごかす” and “まえうごかす” the same meaning? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

まえ (mae)

in front of/Before/Ago/Forward / 前面 / 전 / trước

まえ” means “in front of” and which has been used as the meaning of “close to the front part of something or someone”. The basic way to use it is “___のまえ(in front of ___)”, “___をまえうごかす(Move ___ forward)”. For instance, “ビルのまえ(in front of the building)”, “いえまえ(in front of the house), “つくえまえうごかす(Move the desk forward)”, etc. And “まえ” means “Before / Ago” which has been used as the meaning of “back in time from the present”. The basic way to use it is “___まえ“. For instance, “2カ月前にかげつまえ(two months ago)”, “1年前いちねんまえ(one year ago)”, etc. The tip for using it is that “まえ” means “front/forward” and its antonym is “うしろ(back/rear)”.

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コンビニは、あのビルのまえにあるよ。 (The convenience store is in front of that building.) (那栋楼的前面有一家便利店哦。) (편의점은 그 건물 앞에 있어.) (Có cửa hàng tiện lợi ở trước tòa nhà kia đó.) (将门移到前面。) (문을 앞으로 움직여 줘.) (Hãy di chuyển cánh cửa về phía trước ấy!)


ドアをまえうごかしてよ。 (Move the door forward.) (将门移到前面。) (문을 앞으로 움직여 줘.) (Hãy di chuyển cánh cửa về phía trước ấy!)


2年にねんまえ韓国かんこくったよ。 (I went to Korea 2 years ago.) (两年前我去过韩国。) (2년 전에 한국에 갔어.) (Hai năm trước tớ đã đi Hàn Quốc đấy.)


2、3日にさんにちまえあたらしい携帯買けいたいかったんだ! (I bought a new cell phone a couple of days ago.) (我2.3天前买了一部新手机!) (2, 3일 전에 새로운 핸드폰 샀어!) (Tớ đã mua điện thoại mới cách đây 2,3 ngày.)

手前てまえ (temae)

Toward you/in front of/Right before / 面前 / 앞으로 / phía trước mặt

手前てまえ” means “Toward you or Right before” and which has been also used as the meaning of “close to the front part of something or someone”. The basic way to use it is “___の手前てまえ(in front of/ just before ___)”, “___を手前てまえうごかす(Move ___ toward you)”. For instance, “コンビニはビルの手前てまえにある(in front of the building)”, “いえまえ(The convenience store is somewhere between that building and us), “つくえまえうごかす(Move the desk toward you)”, etc. The tips for using “手前てまえ” is that means relatively nearer position “FROM the OBSERVER” (basically the speaker), and its antonym is “おく“(further position, deep part, interior). Or it also means “Right before”.



コンビニは、あのビルの手前てまえにあるよ。 (The convenience store is somewhere between that building and us.) (便利店就在那栋楼的前边。) (편의점은 그 건물 바로 앞에 있어.) (Có cửa hàng tiện lợi ở trước tòa nhà kia đó.)


ドアを手前てまえうごかしてよ。 (Move the door toward you.) (将门移到面前。) (문을 앞으로 움직여 줘.) (Hãy di chuyển cánh cửa về phía trước mặt cậu ấy!)


包丁ほうちょう手前てまえきましょう。 (Pull the knife toward you.) (拿出放在面前的菜刀吧。) (칼을 앞으로 당겨봅시다.) (Hãy di chuyển con dao kéo về phía mình để cắt.)


信号しんごう手前てまえろしてくれませんか? (Could you let me out right before the traffic lights?) (可以在红绿灯的前面放我下去吗?) (신호 바로 앞에서 내려주지 않겠습니까?) (Bạn cho tôi xuống ngay chỗ phía trước đèn xanh đèn đỏ được không!)

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