“mirai” vs. “shourai” : What’s The Difference? With 10 Examples


“mirai” vs. “shourai” : What’s The Difference? With 10 Examples

What is the difference between “未来みらい (mirai)” and “将来しょうらい (shourai)“? Some leaners think 将来しょうらい is used for people and 未来みらい is used for things, however, it’s wrong. We use 未来みらい for people as well. These are one of the complicated words for Japanese learners, however, don’t worry about it. It’s going to be clear after reading this. Let me introduce how to correctly use 未来みらい and 将来しょうらい today and just try to use these when you have opportunities to talk with native speakers!

未来みらい (mirai)

Future (Distant Future)Very / A lot / So (than I thought)

未来みらい (mirai)” means “DISTANT Future”, unlike “将来しょうらい” which means “NEAR future”. So although you could say “ちか将来しょうらい(near future)”, “ちか未来みらい(near distant? future)” is wrong because “未来みらい” is not used as the meaning of “near(ちかい)”. Whereas although you could say “とお未来みらい(distant future)”, “とお将来しょうらい(distant near? future)” is wrong because “将来しょうらい” is not used as the meaning of “DISTANCE(とおい)”. Furthermore, “未来みらい” has been used in unrealistic situations because again “未来みらい” means “DISTANT future” that we can’t clearly imagine, can we? We think about the time of “未来みらい” that is from 50, 60 years to infinite such as 1,000 years later, 1,000,000,000 years later, etc which means that “未来みらい” is not used as the meaning 2, 3 or 7, 8 years later(near future).

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いまから1万年先いちまんねんさき未来みらい地球ちきゅうはあるのかな? (I’m wondering if the earth exists the future after ten thousand years from now.) (从现在开始一万年后地球还会存在吗?) (지금부터 1만 년 뒤 미래에 지구는 존재할까?) (Tương lai 10 nghìn năm sau không biết Trái Đất có còn không ha?) (ima kara ichi man nen saki nomirai ni chikyū wa aru no ka na?)

未来みらいはどうなるかだれにもわからないよ。 (Nobody knows the future.) (没有人知道未来会是什么样子。) (미래는 어떻게 될지 아무도 몰라.) (Không ai có thể biết tương lai sẽ ra sao đâu.) (mirai wa dō naru ka darenimo wakaranai yo.)

いま行動こうどう未来みらいつくるんだって。 (I’ve heard the future is made from my present actions.) (现在的行动创造未来。) (지금의 행동이 미래를 만든대.) (Người ta nói rằng hành động của hiện tại sẽ tạo nên tương lai đấy.) (ima no kōdō gamirai wo tsukuru n datte.)

未来みらい自分じぶんから現在げんざい自分じぶんてた手紙てがみいてみて。 (Write a letter from your future self to your present self.) (未来的自己试着写一封信给现在的自己。) (미래의 자신이 현재의 자신에게 보내는 편지를 써 봐.) (Thử viết một bức thư từ bản thân trong trong tương lai cho mình ở hiện tại đi.) (mirai no jibun kara genzai no jibun ni ateta tegami wo kaite mite.)

未来みらい自分じぶんをみたい。 (I wanna see my future self.) (好想看看未来的自己啊。) (미래의 나를 보고 싶어.) (Thật muốn thấy bản thân trong tương lai quá.) (mirai no jibun wo mitai.)

将来しょうらい (shourai)

Future (Near Future / Foreseeable Future)

将来しょうらい (shourai)” means “Near Future or Foreseeable Future” that I mentioned earlier and we think about the time of “将来しょうらい” that is from 0 to around 30 years. Kids sometimes talk about their future such as “I want to be a ___”. In this case, “将来しょうらい” is used such as “わたし将来しょうらい医者いしゃになりたい。(I want to be a doctor in the future.)” which is correct and “わたし未来みらい医者いしゃになりたい。(I want to be a doctor in the future.)” is wrong. Because “将来しょうらい” refers to the year which is from 0 to around 30 years.


将来しょうらいゆめは? (What is your dream?) (你未来的梦想是什么?) (장래희망이 뭐야?) (Ước mơ tương lai của cậu là gì?) (shōrai no yume wa?)

将来しょうらいゆめはプログラマーになることだよ。 (My dream is to be a programmer in the future.) (未来的梦想是成为一名程序员。) (장래희망은 프로그래머가 되는 거야.) (Tớ muốn tương lai trở thành lập trình viên.) (shōrai no yume wa puroguramā ni naru koto dayo.)

将来しょうらい日本にほんはたらきたいから、日本語にほんご勉強べんきょうしてるの。 (I’ve been learning Japanese so that in the future, I wanna work in Japan.) (我希望将来在日本工作,所以我正在学习日语。) (나중에 일본에서 일하고 싶어서 일본어를 공부 중이야.) (Tương lai tớ muốn được làm việc ở Nhật nên giờ đang học tiếng Nhật.) (shōrai Nihon de hatarakitai kara, nihongo wo benkyō shi teru no.)

将来しょうらいオーストラリアにみたいなー。 (I wanna live in Australia In the future.) (我希望将来能住在澳大利亚。) (미래엔 호주에 살고 싶다.) (Tương lai tớ muốn sống ở Úc quá.) (shōrai ōsutoraria ni sumitai na-.)

将来しょうらい安泰あんたいだね。 (Your future looks bright.) (将来无忧无虑。) (나중에 편하겠네.) (Tương lai ổn định nhỉ.) (shōrai antai dane.)

将来しょうらいのために毎日まいにち頑張がんばってます! (I’ve been working hard for my future!) (我每天都在为未来努力奋斗!) (미래를 위해 매일 노력 중입니다!) (Mỗi ngày tôi đều cố gắng vì tương lai!) (shōrai no tame ni mainichi ganbatte masu!)

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