むし vs. むだ : Easy To Figure Them Out!


むし vs. むだ : Easy To Figure Them Out!

What is the difference between What is the difference between “むし(mushi) and むだ(muda)”? Which is used as the meaning of “ignore”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

むし (mushi)

Ignore / 无视 / 무시 / Xem thường, phớt lờ và

“むし(mushi)” means “Ignore” and which has been used as the meaning of “to intentionally not listen or give attention to”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___をむしする。(I ignore ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしかれ無視むしする。(I ignore him.)”, “わたしいもうと無視むしする。(I ignore my sister.)”, “わたし信号しんごう無視むしする。(I ignore a traffic light.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “むし” is used as the meaning of “YOU PAY NO ATTENTION TO SOMETHING.”. Everyone could use “むし” as casual and polite such as “いもうと無視むししたよ。(I ignored my sister.)” as casual and “いもうと無視むししました。(I ignored my sister.)” as polite and formal.

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無視むししないでよ、何怒なにおこってんの? (Stop ignoring me, what are you mad about?!) (不要无视我啦,你在生气什么?) (무시하지 마. 왜 화난 거야?) (Đừng có phớt lờ tôi, bạn đang giận cái gì vậy?)


無視むしされてるのかとおもってかなしかったです。 (I thought you were ignoring me and I was sad.) (我很伤心,还以为自己被无视了。) (무시당하는 줄 알고 슬펐습니다.) (Tôi đã rất buồn vì nghĩ rằng tôi đang bị ngó lơ.)


信号しんごう無視むしするのは危険きけんです。 (Ignoring a traffic light is dangerous.) (无视信号灯是很危险的。) (신호를 무시하는 것은 위험합니다.) (Vượt đèn đỏ là rất nguy hiểm.)


無視むしするのが一番いちばんだよ。 (The best way is to ignore.) (无视是最好的方法。) (무시하는 것이 제일이야.) (Phớt lờ đi là tốt nhất đấy.)

むだ (muda)

Waste / 没用 / 소용없음 / Lãng phí, vô ích

“むだ(muda)” means “Waste” and which has been used as the meaning of “unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc.”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___をむだにする。(I waste ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし時間じかんをむだにする。(I waste my time.)”, “わたしはおかねをむだにする。(I waste money.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “むだ” is used as the meaning of “YOU WASTE SOMETHING SUCH AS TIME, MONEY, OR ENERGY.” Everyone could use “むだ” as casual and polite such as “時間じかんをむだにしたよ。(I wasted my time.)” as casual and “わたし時間じかんをむだにしました。(I wasted my time.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “むだ” is “無駄むだ“.



説明せつめいするだけ無駄むだだよ。 (It’s a waste of time explaining.) (你只说不做是没有用的。) (설명만 해서는 소용없어.) (Chỉ lãng phí thêm thời gian khi giải thích điều đó.)


これ以上時間いじょうじかん無駄むだにしたくないです。 (I don’t want to waste my time anymore.) (我不想再浪费时间了。) (더 이상 시간을 낭비하고 싶지 않습니다. ) (Tôi không muốn lãng phí thêm thời gian nữa.)


無駄むだでした。 (That was a waste.) (没有用。) (소용없었습니다.) (Đúng là lãng phí.)


あいつにくだけ時間じかん無駄むだだよ。 (Don’t waste your time asking him.) (听他说话是浪费时间。) (저 녀석들에게 물어봤자 시간낭비야.) (Thật lãng phí thời gian khi nghe anh ta nói.)

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