“___nagara” vs. “douji ni”:You Think Them “Simultaneously”?


“___nagara” vs. “douji ni”:You Think Them “Simultaneously”?

What is the difference between “___ながら(nagara) and 同時どうじに(douji ni)”? Which is used as the meaning of “Simultaneously”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

____ながら (nagara)

While / 边— / ___하면서 / Vừa____ vừa___

“___ながら(nagara)” means “While” and which has been used as the meaning of “whilst during the time that”. The basic way to use it is “わたしは___に同情どうじょうする。(I feel sorry for ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしは____ながらAする。(I A while ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはピアノをきながらうたうたう。(I sing a song while playing the piano.)”, “わたしはテレビながらつ。(I watch TV while waiting.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “___にながら” is used as the meaning of “DOING SOMETHING AT THE SAME TIME FOR A PERIOD OF TIME”. Everybody could use “___ながら” as casual, polite and formal such as “テレビながらってるね。(I’ll be watching TV while waiting for you.)” as casual and “テレビながらっています。(I’ll be watching TV while waiting for you.)” as polite and formal.

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テレビながらってるね。 (I’ll be watching TV while waiting for you.) (我一边看电视一边等你吧。) (텔레비전 보면서 기다릴게.) (Tôi sẽ vừa xem ti vi vừa đợi nha.)


ミクがピアノをきながらうたうたってたよ。 (Miku sang a song while playing the piano.) (未来在一边弹钢琴一边唱歌呢。) (미쿠가 피아노를 치면서 노래를 부르고 있었어.) (Miku đã vừa chơi đàn dương cầm vừa hát đấy.)


あるきながらべないで! (Don’t eat while walking!) (不要在走路的时候吃东西!) (걸어다니면서 먹지 마!) (Đừng có vừa đi vừa ăn như thế!)


ラジオをきながら朝食ちょうしょくべました。 (I ate breakfast while listening to the radio.) (早餐我一边听着收音机吃的。) (라디오를 들으면서 아침을 먹었습니다.) (Tôi đã vừa ăn sáng vừa nghe đài radio.)

同時どうじに (doujini)

At the same time, Simultaneously / 同时 /동시에 / cùng một lúc, đồng thời

同時どうじに(doujini)” means “At the same time or Simultaneously” and which both have been used as the meaning of “happening or being done at exactly the same time”. The basic way to use it is “Aは同時どうじに___する。(A ___ at the same time/simultaneously.)”, etc. For instance, “ゆかとたつやは同時どうじしゃべる。(Yuka and Tatsuya talk at the same time.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “同時どうじに” is used as the meaning of “BEING DONE AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME”, unlike “___ながら”. Everybody could use these as casual, polite and formal such as “ゆかとたつやは同時どうじしゃべったね。(Yuka and Tatsuya talked at the same time.)” as casual and “ゆかとたつやは同時どうじしゃべりました。(Yuka and Tatsuya talked at the same time.)” as polite and formal.



スマートフォンとタブレットパソコンが同時どうじこわれたよ。 (My smartphone and tablet PC simultaneously broke.) (智能手机和平板电脑同时坏了。) (스마트폰이랑 태블릿PC가 동시에 고장났어.) (Điện thoại thông minh và máy tính bảng đã bị hỏng cùng một lúc.)


レイとミクは偶然ぐうぜんにも同時どうじたよ。 (It happened that Rei and Miku came at the same time.) (雷和未来来得很偶然。) (레이와 미쿠는 우연하게도 동시에 왔어.) (Rei và Riku đã tình cờ đến cùng một lúc đấy.)


同時どうじはなすときとれないよ。 (If you speak at the same time, it is hard to hear each other.) (如果你们同时说话,我就听不过来了喔。) (동시에 이야기하면 알아들을 수 없어.) (Nói cùng một lúc là tôi sẽ không thể nghe được đâu.)


同時どうじにゴールしたね。 (We reached the goal at the same time.) (我们一起到了终点哦。) (동시에 결승선을 통과했구나.) (Đã về đích cùng một lúc nhỉ.)

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