___ though:___nai kedo ne。Japanese Phrase #267


___ though:___nai kedo ne。Japanese Phrase #267

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “___ないけどね。(nai kedo ne)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

___ないけどね。(nai kedo ne)

___ though / 虽然没有__。 / ___ 없지만. / Không,chưa___ nhưng mà ….

When you describe that “to introduce something which contrasts with what you have just said”, you would be able to use “___ないけどね。(nai kedo ne)” which means “___ though”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual. “___ですけど。(desukedo)” is used as polite and formal. “___ないけどね。” is always put “the end of the sentence” and which native speakers often use.

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Sample 1


これからいかな? (I wonder if it’s spicy.) (这会很辣吗?) (이거 매울까?) (Cái này có cay không nhỉ?) (kore karai kana?)


絶対辛ぜったいからいよ!べたことないけどね。くさ (Definitely! I’ve never had it though. hehe) (这一定很辣喔。虽然我没有吃过。笑) (분명히 매울거야! 먹어 본 적은 없지만. ㅎㅎ) (Dù tôi chưa ăn bao giờ nhưng mà….Chắc chắn là cay đấy!haha) (zettai karai yo! tabeta koto nai kedo ne. kusa)

Sample 2


大阪おおさか旅行りょこうしようかまよってるんだー。 (I’m thinking about whether to have a trip to Osaka.) (我很犹豫明天要不要去大阪旅行。) (오사카로 여행 갈까 생각중이야) (Tôi đang phân vân không biết có nên đến Osaka du lịch không.) (ōsaka ni ryokō shiyou ka mayotterunda-.)


いいとこだよ!ったことないけど。わら (I think that’s a nice place. I’ve never been there before though. haha) (那是个好地方唷!虽然我没有去过。笑) (좋은 곳이야! 가본 적은 없지만. 웃음) (Dù tôi chưa đến đó bao giờ nhưng mà …nghe có vẻ hay đấy! Haha) (ītoko dayo! itta koto nai kedo. wara)

Sample 3


これおうかな? (I wonder if I buy this.) (Me pregunto si compro esto.) (kore kaou kana? )


いいとおもうよ。よくわからんけど (I think that will be good! I’m not sure though.) (¡Creo que eso será bueno! Aunque no estoy seguro.) (ī to omou yo. yoku wakaran kedo.)

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