“nakusu” vs. “nakunaru”:You Should Correctly Use These.
What is the difference between “亡くす(nakusu) and 亡くなる(nakunaru)”? Which is used as the meaning of “pass away”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
亡くす (nakusu)
Lose someone / 去世 / 잃다 / mất, chết(chủ ngữ là bản thân)
“亡くす(nakusu)” means “Lose someone” and which has been used as the meaning of “people lose someone who dies”. The basic ways to use them are that “私は___を亡くす。(I lose ___.)”, etc For instance, “私は友達を亡くす。(I lose my friend.)”, “私は妹を亡くす。(I lose my sister.)”, “私はお父さんを亡くす。(I lose my father.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that when using “亡くす”,” A SUBJECT IS PEOPLE WHO LOSE SOMEONE”, unlike “亡くなる”. Everyone could use “亡くす” as casual, polite and formal such as お父さんを亡くしたよ。(I lost my dad.)” as casual and “父を亡くしました。(I lose my father.)” as polite and formal.
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去年、お父さんを亡くしたよ。 (I lost my dad last year.) (我父亲去年去世了。) (지난 해 아버지를 잃었어.) (Năm ngoái tôi đã mất bố.) (kyonen, otōsan wo nakushita yo.)
10年前に母を亡くしました。 (I lost my mother 10 years ago.) (我母亲10年前去世了。) (10년 전 어머니를 잃었습니다.) (Tôi đã mất mẹ mười năm trước.) (jūnen mae ni haha wo nakushi mashita.)
3年前に友達を亡くしました。 (I lost my friend 3 years ago.) (三年前我的朋友去世了。) (3년 전에 친구를 잃었습니다.) (Tôi đã mất một người bạn ba năm trước.) (san nen mae ni tomodachi wo nakushi mashita.)
おばあちゃんを亡くしたよ。 (I lost my grandma.) (我的祖母去世了。) (할머니를 잃었어.) (Tôi đã mất bà rồi.) (obāchan wo nakushita yo.)
亡くなる (nakunaru)
Pass away / 死亡 / 돌아가시다 / mất,chết(chủ ngữ không phải bản thân)
“亡くなる(nakunaru)” means “Pass away” and which has been used as the meaning of “someone dies”. The basic ways to use them are that “___が亡くなる。(___ pass away.)”, etc For instance, “友達が亡くなる。(My friend passes away.)”, “妹が。(My sister passes away.)”, “お父さんが亡くなる。(My father passes away.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that when using “亡くなる”,” A SUBJECT IS PEOPLE WHO DIE”, unlike ” 亡くす”. Everyone could use ” 亡くなる” as casual, polite and formal such as お父さんが亡くなったよ。(My dad passed away.)” as casual and “父が亡くなりました。(My father passed away.)” as polite and formal.
去年、お父さんが亡くなったよ。 (My dad passed away last year.) (我父亲去年去世了。) (지난 해 아버지가 돌아가셨어.) (Bố tôi đã mất năm ngoái.) (kyonen, otōsan ga nakunatta yo.)
10年前に母が亡くなりました。 (My mother passed away 10 years ago.) (我母亲十年前去世了。) (10년 전에 어머니가 돌아가셨습니다.) (Mẹ tôi đã mất cách đây mười năm.) (jjūnen mae ni haha ga nakunari mashita.)
3年前に友達が亡くなりました。 (My friend passed away 3 years ago.) (我朋友三年前去世了。) (3년 전에 친구가 죽었습니다.) (Bạn tôi đã chết ba năm trước.) (san nen mae ni tomodachi ga nakunari mashita.)
おばあちゃんが亡くなったよ。 (My grandma passed away.) (我的祖母去世了。) (할머니가 돌아가셨어.) (Bà tôi đã qua đời rồi.) (obāchan ga nakunatta yo.)
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