“nakusu” vs. “ushinau”:Improve Your Japanese in 5 Minutes


“nakusu” vs. “ushinau”:Improve Your Japanese in 5 Minutes

What is the difference between “くす(nakusu) and うしなう(ushinau)”? Which is used as a bigger meaning? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

くす (nakusu) and うしなう (ushinau)

Lose / 丢失, 失去 / 없어지다, 잃어버리다 / Mất/làm rơi, Đánh mất(Thứ quan trọng)

くす(nakusu) and うしなう(ushinau)” mean “Lose” and which has been used as the meaning of “to no longer have something because you do not know where it is”. The tips for using them are that “くす” is used as the meaning of “to lose something YOU MAY GET AGAIN”, whereas “うしなう” is used as the meaning of “to lose something YOU MAY NOT GET AGAIN or NEVER”. That is the difference between them and “うしなう” sounds formal than “くす” used as casual, polite and formal. The basic way to use it is “わたしは___をくす/うしなう(I lose ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしかぎくす。(I lose my key.)” which you MAY GET AGAIN and “わたし友達ともだち信頼しんらいうしなう。(I lose my friend’s trust.)” which you MAY NOT GET AGAIN or NEVER and IMPORTANT. Actually, you would be able to say “わたし友達ともだち信頼しんらいくす。” as the meaning of it, however, this is a pretty light way than using “うしなう”. Everyone could use “くす” and “うしなう” as casual, polite and formal such as “かぎくしちゃった。(I lose my key.)” as casual and “かぎくしました。(I lose my key.)” as polite and formal. And “友達ともだち信頼しんらいうしなったよ。(I lose my friend’s trust.)” as casual and 友達ともだち信頼しんらいうしないました。(I lose my friend’s trust.)” as polite and formal.

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財布さいふくしたっぽい! (Seems like I lost my wallet.) (我好像丢了钱包!) (지갑이 없어진 것 같아!) (Có vẻ như là tôi bị mất ví rồi!)


すこ自信じしんくしました。 (I kinda lost my confidence.) (我有点失去了信心。) (자신감이 조금 없어졌습니다.) (Tôi đã mất tự tin một chút.)


なにくしたの? (What did you lose?) (你丢了什么呢?) (뭐가 없어진 거야?) (Bạn đã mất cái gì hả?)


腕時計うでどけいくしちゃった! (I lost a watch!) (我丢了手表!) (손목시계가 없어져 버렸어!) (Tôi lỡ làm mất cái đồng hồ đeo tay rồi!)


友達ともだち6歳ろくさいとき聴力ちょうかくうしないました。 (My friend lost her hearing when she was six years old.) (我的朋友在六岁的时候就失去了听觉。) (친구는 6살 때 청력을 잃었습니다.) (Bạn tôi đã mất đi khả năng nghe lúc sáu tuổi.)


自信じしんうしないました。 (I lost confidence.) (我失去了信心。) (자신감을 잃었습니다.) (Tôi đã mất đi tự tin.)


ミクは彼氏かれし信用しんよううしなったらしいよ。 (I heard Miku lost her boyfriend’s trust.) (未来好像失去了对她男朋友的信任。) (미쿠가 남자친구로부터 신뢰를 잃었다나봐.) (Nghe nói là Miku đã đánh mất sự tin tưởng từ bạn trai của cô ấy đấy.)


うしなものなんてなにもありません。 (I’ve got nothing to lose anymore.) (我就没有什么可失去的。) (잃을 것이 아무것도 없습니다.) (Tôi không còn gì để mất.)

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