Why are you in such a hurry?:”nande sonnani isoideru no?” Japanese Phrase #350


Why are you in such a hurry?:”nande sonnani isoideru no?” Japanese Phrase #350

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “なんでそんなにいそいでるの?(nande sonnani isoideru no?)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

なんでそんなにいそいでるの?(nande sonnani isoideru no?)

Why are you in such a hurry? / 你为什么这么着急? / 왜 그렇게 서두루는거야? / Tại sao bạn lại vội vàng như vậy?

When you want to ask someone who is in a hurry, such as a horse race, in the hope of winning more money”, you would be able to use “なんでそんなにいそいでるの?(nande sonnani isoideru no?)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “なんでそんなにいそいでるんですか?(nande sonnani isoiderun desuka?)” is used as polite and “なぜそんなにいそいでいるのですか?(naze sonnani isoide iruno desuka?)” and formal.

Sample 1


なんでそんなにいそいでるの? (Why are you in such a hurry?) (你为什么这么着急?) (왜 그렇게 서두르고 있어?) (Tại sao bạn lại vội vàng như vậy?)


授業じゅぎょう遅刻ちこくするかもしれないから。 (Coz I might late for class.) (因为我上课可能会迟到。) (수업에 지각할지도 모르니까.) (Vì có thể sẽ trễ giờ học.)

Sample 2


なんでそんなにいそいでるんですか? (Why are you in such a hurry?) (你为什么这么着急?) (왜 그렇게 서두르는 겁니까?) (Tại sao bạn lại vội vàng như vậy?)


寝坊ねぼうしてしまったからです。 (Because I overslept.) (因为我睡过头了。) (늦잠 자 버려서 그래요.) (Bởi tôi lỡ ngủ quên mất tiêu.)


昨日きのう何時なんじたんですか? (What time did you go to bed last night?) (你昨天几点睡的?) (어제 몇 시에 잤나요?) (Hôm qua bạn đã đi ngủ lúc mấy giờ?)

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