“nande” vs. “nanide”:The Way to Use Them is Super Easy.
What is the difference between “なんで (nande) and なにで (nanide)”? Which is used when asking the reason? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
なんで (nande)
Why / 为什么 / 왜 / Tại sao
“なんで (nande)” means “Why” and which have been used as the meaning of “for what reason”. The basic ways to use it are that “なんで___?(Why ___ ?)”, etc. For instance, “なんで来なかったのですか?(Why didn’t you come?)”, “なんで会社に行くの?(Why do you go to your company?)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “なんで(何で)” is used as the meaning of “TO ASK ABOUT THE REASON FOR SOMETHING.”. Everyone could use “なんで(何で)” as casual, polite and formal such as “なんで来なかったの?(Why didn’t you come?)” as casual and “なんで来なかったのですか?(Why didn’t you come?)” as polite and formal.
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何で会社に行くんですか? (Why do you go to your company?) (你为什么要去公司?) (왜 회사에 가는 건가요?) (Tại sao bạn lại đi làm?) (nande kaisha ni iku n desu ka?)

お金を稼ぐためですよ。 (Because I have to earn money.) (为了赚钱啊。) (돈을 벌기 위해서입니다.) (Là để kiếm tiền.) (okane wo kasegu tame desu yo.)

なんで来たの?今日は学校休みだよ。 (Why did you come? Today is a school holiday.) (你为什么来了?今天学校放假啊。) (왜 온 거야? 오늘은 휴교일이야.) (Tại sao cậu lại đến vậy? Hôm nay trường nghỉ học đấy.) (nande kita no? kyō wa gakkō yasumi dayo.)

えっ?今日、休みだったっけ? (Really? Today was the school holiday?) (咦?今天放假吗?) (어? 오늘 쉬는 날이었던가?) (Hả? Hôm nay nghỉ học hả?) (e? kyō, yasumi dattakke?)
なにで (nanide)
How / 用什么? / 무엇으로 / Bằng cách gì?
“なにで (nanide)” means “How” and which have been used as the meaning of “in what way, or by what methods”. The basic ways to use it are that “なにで___?(How ___ ?)”, etc. For instance, “なにでここ来たのですか?(How did you come here?)”, “なにで会社に行くの?(How do you go to your company?)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “なにで(何で)” is used when asking “IN WHAT WAY”, it’s not a reason like “なんで”. Everyone could use “なにで(何で)” as casual, polite and formal such as “なにでここ来たの?(How did you come here?)” as casual and “なにでここ来たのですか?(How did you come here?)” as polite and formal.

何で会社に行くんですか? (How do you go to your company?) (你怎么去公司呢?) (회사에 어떻게 가시나요?) (Bạn đi làm bằng gì?) (nanide kaisha ni iku n desu ka?)

地下鉄ですよ。 (By subway.) (坐地铁啊。) (지하철로 갑니다.) (Bằng tàu điện ngầm ạ.) (chikatetsu desu yo.)

なにで来たの? (How did you get to here?) (你怎么来的?) (뭐 타고 왔어?) (Bạn đã đến đây bằng gì vậy?) (nanide kita no?)

バスだよ。 (By bus.) (坐公交车啊。) (버스로 왔어.) (Bằng xe buýt đấy.) (basu dayo.)
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