“neage” vs. “neagari”:You Should Be Clear About These!


“neage” vs. “neagari”:You Should Be Clear About These!

What is the difference between “値上ねあげ(neage) and 値上ねあがり(neagari)”? Which is a subject “store or company”?After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

値上ねあげをする (neage wo suru)

Raise price / 涨价 / 가격 인상 / tăng giá

値上ねあげ (neage wo suru)” means “Raise price” and which has been used as the meaning of “stores or companies raise the price of something”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/がAの値上ねあげをする。(___ raise the prices of A.)”, etc. For instance, “このみせ携帯けいたい値上ねあげをする。(This store raises the prices of the cell phones.)”, “この会社かいしゃはタバコの値上ねあげをする。(This company raises the prices of cigarettes.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “THE SUBJECTS OF 値上ねあげをする ARE STORES, COMPANIES OR EVEN PEOPLE”, unlike “値上ねあがり”. Everyone could use “値上ねあげをする” as casual, polite and formal such as “この会社かいしゃはタバコの値上ねあげをするね。(This company is going to raise the prices of cigarettes.)” as casual and “この会社かいしゃはタバコの値上ねあげをします。(This company is going to raise the prices of cigarettes.)” as polite and formal. Additionally, native speakers often omit “を” of “値上ねあげをする”, so that would be “値上ねあげする” is also used as casual and polite.

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値上ねあげをしないでください。 (Please don’t raise prices!) (请不要提高价格。) (가격을 인상하지 마세요.) (Xin hãy đừng tăng giá.) (neage wo shinaide kudasai.)


先月せんげつ、その会社かいしゃ輸入食品ゆにゅうしょくひん値上ねあげしました。 (The company raised the price of imported foods last month.) (上个月那家公司提高了进口食品价格。) (지난달에 이 회사는 수입 식품의 가격을 인상했습니다.) (Tháng trước, công ty đó đã tăng giá thực phẩm nhập khẩu.) (sengetsu, sono kaisha wa yunyū shokuhin wo neage shimashita.)


この会社かいしゃ来年らいねんから携帯けいたい値上ねあげするらしいよ。 (I heard this company is going to raise the prices of the cell phones from next year.) (这家公司好像从明年开始提高手机价格哦。) (이 회사는 내년부터 휴대폰 가격을 올린다나 봐.) (Nghe nói là công ty này sẽ tăng giá điện thoại di động từ năm tới đấy.) (kono kaisha wa rainen kara keitai no neage sururashī yo.)


また値上ねあげしたの? (Did you raise the price again?) (又涨价了?) (또 가격을 올린 거야?) (Lại tăng giá nữa hả?) (mata neage shita no?)

値上ねあがりする(neagari suru)

The price rises, increases, goes up / 价格上涨 / 가격 상승 / giá(…) tăng ,… tăng giá

値上ねあがりする(neagari suru)” means “The price rises/increases/goes up” and which has been used as the meaning of “the price becomes higher”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は/が値上ねあがりする。(The prices of ___ rise.)”, etc. For instance, “携帯けいたいは/が値上ねあがりする。(The price of the cell phones raises/increases.)”, “タバコは/が値上ねあがる。(The price of cigarettes goes up.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “THE SUBJECTS OF 値上ねあがる ARE THE PRICE OF THINGS”, unlike “値上ねあげをする”. Everyone could use “値上ねあがりする” as casual, polite and formal such as “タバコが値上ねあがったね。(The price of cigarettes goes up.)” as casual and “タバコは/が値上ねあがりました。(The price of cigarettes goes up.)” as casual and polite.



野菜やさいがどんどん値上ねあがりしてます。 (The prices of vegetables are rising higher and higher.) (蔬菜价格正在逐渐提高。) (채소 가격이 점점 상승하고 있습니다.) (Giá rau đang dần dần tăng.) (yasai ga dondon neagari shitemasu.)


先月せんげつ輸入食品ゆにゅうしょくひん値上ねあがりしました。 (The price of imported foods went up last month.) (上个月进口食品价格上涨了。) (지난 달에 수입 식품 가격은 상승했습니다.) (Tháng trước, giá thực phẩm nhập khẩu đã tăng.) (sengetsu, yunyū shokuhin wa neagari shimashita.)


来年らいねんから携帯けいたい値上ねあがりするらしいよ。 (I heard the prices of the cell phones will increase from next year.) (好像从明年开始手机要涨价哦。) (내년부터 휴대폰 가격이 오른다나 봐.) (Nghe nói là điện thoại di động sẽ tăng giá từ năm tới đấy.) (rainen kara keitai ga neagari suru rashī yo.)


また値上ねあがりしたの? (Did the price rise again?) (又涨价了吗?) (가격이 또 오른 거야?) (Giá lại tăng nữa hả?) (mata neagari shita no?)

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