Good morning.:”ohayou” Japanese Phrase #535


Good morning.:”ohayou” Japanese Phrase #535

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “おはよう。(ohayou)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!


Good morning. / 早上好。 / 안녕 / Chào buổi sáng.

When you want to say “Good morning.”, you would be able to use “おはよう。(ohayou)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “おはようございます。(ohayou gozaimasu)” is used as polite and formal.

Sample 1

おはよう。 (Good morning.) (早上好。) (안녕.) (Chào!)

おはよう。 (Good morning.) (早上好。) (좋은 아침) (Chào!)

Sample 2

おはようございます。 (Good morning.) (早上好。) (안녕하세요.) (Xin chào buổi sáng.)

おはようございます。 (Good morning.) (早上好。) (좋은 아침입니다.) (Xin chào buổi sáng.)

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