“oishisō” vs. “oishīsō”:Don’t Think They Are The Same.


“oishisō” vs. “oishīsō”:Don’t Think They Are The Same.

What is the difference between “おいしそう(oishi) and おいしいそう(oishī)”? Which is used as the meaning of “It looks delicious”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

おいしそう (oishi)

It looks delicious. / 美味 / 맛있겠다 / Trông có vẻ ngon

“おいしそう(oishi)” means “It looks delicious.” and which has been used as the meaning of “a food look good/delicious which you directly look at”. The basic ways to use it are that “おいしそう。(It looks delicious.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “おいしそう” is used as the meaning of “YOU LOOK AT FOOD AND WHICH LOOKS DELICIOUS”, unlike “おいしいそう”. Everyone could use “おいしそう” as casual, polite and formal such as “おいしそうだね。(It looks delicious.)” as casual and “おいしそうですね。(It looks delicious.)” as polite and formal.

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てこれ!つくったんだー。 (Look at this! I cooked it.) (快看!这是我做的。) (이거 봐! 만들었어.) (Nhìn món này đi! Tôi đã nấu đấy.) (mite kore! tsukutta nda-.)


おいしそうだね!はやべたいな! (Looks delicious! I can’t wait to eat it!) (它看起来很好吃!我想快点吃!) (맛있겠네! 얼른 먹고싶어!) (Trông có vẻ ngon nhỉ! Tôi muốn ăn nó ngay quá!) (oishisō dane! hayaku tabetai na!)


このパスタおいしそうー。だれつくったの? (This pasta looks so good! Who cooked it?) (这个意大利面看起来好好吃。是谁做的?) (이 파스타 맛있어보여. 누가 만든 거야?) (Món mỳ Ý này trông có vẻ ngon. Ai đã làm nó vậy?) (kono pasutaoishisō-. dare ga tsukutta no?)


おいしそうなケーキだね!べていい? (This cake looks delicious! Can I eat it?) (这块蛋糕看上去好好吃!我可以吃吗?) (먹음직스러운 케이크네! 먹어도 돼?) (Chiếc bánh trông có vẻ ngon quá nhỉ! Tôi ăn có được không?) (oishisō na kēki dane! tabeteī?)

おいしいそう (oishīsō)

I heard it is delicious. / 看起来很美味 / 맛있다던데 / Nghe nói là ngon

“おいしいそう(oishīsō)” means “I heard it is delicious.” and which has been used as the meaning of “a food is good/delicious which you heard from someone”. The basic ways to use it are that “おいしいそう。(I heard it is delicious.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “おいしいそう” is used as the meaning of “YOU HEARD A FOOD AND WHICH IS DELICIOUS”, unlike “おいしそう”. Everyone could use “おいしいそう” as casual, polite and formal such as “おいしいそうだよ/らしいよ。(I heard it is delicious.)” as casual and “おいしいそうですよ/らしいですよ。(I heard it is delicious.)” as polite and formal. Lastly, native speakers tend to use “___らしい” instead of “___そうだ” in daily conversations as casual and polite.



あ、このケーキってる!おいしいらしいよ。べてみようよ! (Ah, I know this cake! I heard it is good. Let’s try to eat it!) (啊,我知道这个蛋糕!听说很好吃,推荐你尝尝看!) (아, 이 케이크 알아! 맛있다던데. 먹어보자!) (A, tôi biết loại bánh này! Nghe nói là ngon đấy. Cùng ăn thử đi!) (a, kono kēki shitteru! oishī rashī yo. tabete miyou yo!)


まだべたことないですけど、このパスタおいしいらしいですよ。 (I still haven’t had this pasta but I heard it is delicious.) (虽然我还没有吃过,但这个意大利面听说很美味喔。) (아직 먹어본 적은 없지만 이 파스타 맛있다는 것 같아요.) (Tôi vẫn chưa ăn bao giờ nhưng mà, nghe nói là món mỳ Ý này ngon lắm đấy.) (mada tabeta koto nai desukedo, kono pasuta oishī rashī desu yo.)


わたしいたことあります。おいしいらしいですね。 (I also heard it is delicious.) (我也听说过。好像很好吃。) (저도 들은 적 있어요. 맛있다는 것 같아요.) (Tôi có từng nghe nói rồi. Nghe nói là ngon.) (watashi mo kiita koto arimasu. oishī rashī desu ne.)


このラーメンおいしくないらしいよ。 (I heard this ramen isn’t good.) (听说这个拉面不好吃。) (이 라면 맛없다나 봐.) (Nghe nói là món mỳ Ramen này không ngon đâu.) (kono rāmen oishiku nai rashī yo.)

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