My stomach hurts.:”onaka ga itai desu” Japanese Phrase #451
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お腹が痛いです。(onaka ga itai desu)
My stomach hurts. / 我肚子疼。 / 배가 아파요. / Đau bụng.
When you want to describe “pain in your stomach”, you would be able to use “お腹が痛いです。(onaka ga itai desu)” which means “My stomach hurts.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and formal and “お腹が痛いよ。(onaka ga itai yo)” is used as casual.
Sample 1
お腹が痛いです。トイレはどこですか? (My stomach hurts. Where is the restroom/toilet?) (我的肚子疼。洗手间在哪里?) (배가 아파요. 화장실은 어디에요?) (Tôi bị đau bụng. Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu vậy ạ?)
二階と三階にありますよ。 (On the 2nd and 3rd floor.) (二楼和三楼都有。) (2층과 3층에 있어요) (Ở tầng hai và tầng ba ấy.)
Sample 2
お腹が痛いよ。トイレに行ってくる。 (My stomach hurts. I gotta go to the bathroom.) (我的肚子疼。我去上个厕所。) (배가 아파. 화장실에 갔다 올게.) (Tôi đau bụng quá. Tôi đi vệ sinh rồi sẽ quay lại.)
場所分かる? (Do you know where the bathroom is?) (你知道厕所在哪儿吗?) (어딘지 알아?) (Bạn có biết chỗ chưa?)
どこだっけ? (Where is it again?) (在哪儿来着?) (어디였지?) (Ở đâu ấy nhỉ?)
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