“tonikaku” vs. “tomokaku”: Why Do You Still Get Confused?
When you think something is good, you would like to recommend it to someone, right? Such as awesome movies, books, songs, actors/actresses, etc. When recommending something to someone, we have some identical words for that. Let me introduce the way to correctly recommend something to someone today!
おすすめ(する) (osusume suru)
Recommend / How about___
”おすすめ(する)(osusume suru)” means “recommend” which is used as the meaning of “to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose, or to suggest that a particular action should be done”. The basic way to use it is “___がおすすめです。(I recommend ____)”, “おすすめの___。(___ which I recommend.)”, etc. For instance, “これがおすすめです。(I recommend this.)”, “おすすめの本(A book which I recommend)”, “おすすめの曲(A song I recommend)”, etc. Furthermore, you would also use “___はどう?(How/What about ___?)” when recommending something such as “これはどう?(How/What about this?)”, “この本はどう?(How/What about this book?)”, “この曲はどう?(How/What about this song?)”, etc. “___はどう?” is used as casual than “___がおすすめです。(I recommend ____)”. Additionally, the other way to recommend is that “___してみて!(Try ___)” is used as casual. Lastly, “___はいかがですか?(Would you’d like ___)” is used as a polite and formal way of “___はどう?” and “___してみてください。(Try ___ if you like.)” is used as a polite and formal way of “___してみて!”.
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オススメだよ。 (I recommend that to you.) (我很推荐哦。) (강추야.) (Đáng thử lắm đó.) (osusume dayo.)

このすしがおすすめだよ。 (I recommend you try the SUSHI.) (我推荐这个寿司呢。) (이 초밥을 추천할게.) (Món sushi này đáng thử lắm đó.) (kono sushi ga osusume dayo.)

いちご味がおすすめ。 (I recommend the strawberry flavor.) (我推荐草莓口味的。) (딸기맛 강추.) (Vị dâu đáng thử lắm đó.) (ichigo aji ga osusume.)

この新しい本をオススメするよ。 (I recommend this new book.) (我推荐这本新书。) (이 새로나온 책을 추천할게요.) (Tớ thấy cuốn sách mới ra này đáng thử lắm.) (kono atarashī hon wo osusume suru yo.)

ナルトが好きならワンピースがおすすめだよ。 (If you like Naruto, I recommend One Piece.) (如果你喜欢火影忍者,那么海贼王也推荐给你。) (나루토를 좋아한다면 원피스를 추천할게.) (Nếu cậu thích Naruto thì cũng nên đọc thử One Piece đi.) (naruto ga suki nara wanpīsu ga osusume dayo.)

ナルトがおすすめだよ。 (I can really recommend reading Naruto.) (推荐火影忍者。) (나루토를 추천할게.) (Cậu nên đọc thử Naruto đi.) (naruto ga osusume dayo.)

映画とかどう? (How about going to the movies?) (电影之类的怎么样?) (영화든가 어때?) (Thế đi xem phim được không?) (eiga toka dō?)

夜ご飯なんかどう? (How about some dinner?) (晚餐什么的怎么样?) (저녁밥이라도 어때?) (Thế mình đi ăn tối thì sao?) (yoru gohan nanka dō?)

一番のお勧めは、京都かなー。 (I think what I recommend the most is KYOTO.) (最推荐的地方,应该是京都吧。) (최고의 추천은 교토아닐까.) (Theo tớ chỗ đáng đi nhất là Kyoto đấy.) (ichiban no osusume wa, Kyōto kana-.)

絶対行くべきだよ! (You should definitely go!) (你一定要去!) (꼭 가야 돼!) (Đi là chỉ có đúng thôi!) (zettai iku beki dayo!)

このマンガは自信をもっておすすめできるよ。 (I can recommend this manga with confidence.) (我可以满怀自信推荐这部漫画给你。) (이 만화는 자신있게 추천 할 수 있어.) (Đọc thử truyện tranh này đi đảm bảo hay cực.) (kono manga wa jishin wo motte osusume dekiru yo.)

おすすめのマンガがあるんだ。 (There is a manga I recommend.) (我有想推荐的漫画。) (추천할 만한 만화가 있어.) (Tớ có cuốn truyện tranh này muốn giới thiệu với cậu.) (osusume no manga ga aru nda.)

やってみて! (Have a try!) (你试试!) (해봐!) (Cậu làm thử đi!) (yatte mite!)

ぜひ行ってみて! (Try going there.) (你一定要去看看!) (꼭 가봐!) (Nhớ là phải đi thử đi đấy!) (zehi itte mite!)

ランチはどう? (How about some lunch?) (午餐怎么样?) (점심은 어떡할거야?) (Ăn trưa nhé?) (ranchi wa dō?)

天ぷらはいかがですか? (Would you like Tempura?) (天妇罗如何?) (튀김은 어떻습니까?) (Tenpura thì sao ạ?) (tenpura wa ikaga desu ka?)

天ぷらはどう? (How about having Tempura?) (天妇罗怎么样?) (튀김은 어때?) (Tenpura nhé?) (tenpura wa dō?)

あのデザインは僕がおすすめしたものなんだ。 (That’s the design that I recommended.) (那个设计是我推荐的。) (저 디자인은 내가 추천한거야.) (Thiết kế đó là do tôi đề cử.) (ano dezain wa boku ga osusume shita mono na’nda.)

どっちがいいと思う? (Which do you recommend?) (您觉得哪个好?) (어느 쪽이 좋다고 생각해?) (Cậu thấy cái nào được?) (dotchi ga ī to omou?)

日本食だったらうどんがオススメだよ。 (I recommend that you eat UDON for Japanese food.) (日本料理的话,推荐乌冬面。) (일식이라면 우동을 추천할게.) (Nếu ăn món Nhật thì món mỳ Udon rất đáng thử nhé.) (nihon shoku dattara udon ga osusume dayo.)

じゃぁ、りんごジュースはどう? (Well, how about apple juice?) (那么,苹果汁怎么样?) (그럼, 사과 주스는 어때?) (Thế uống nước táo nhé?) (ja, ringo jūsu wa dō?)

念のため病院に行ったほうがいいよ。 (It would be better to see a doctor just in case.) (为了以防万一,你最好去医院。) (혹시 모르니 병원에 가보는 게 좋겠어.) (Cậu nên đi bệnh viện cho an tâm.) (nen’no tame byōin ni itta hō ga ī yo.)
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