You have good taste!:”sensu ī ne!” Japanese Phrase #170


You have good taste!:“sensu ī ne!” Japanese Phrase #170

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センスいいね!(sensu ī ne)

You have good taste! / 真有品味呢! / 센스 좋네! / Có mắt thẩm mĩ!

When you want to praise someone’s sense, you would be able to use “センスいいね!(sensu ī ne)” which means “You have good taste!”. Everybody uses as only casual. You could also say “センスいいね!(sensu ī ne)”, however, native speakers tend to omit “が” of “センスいいね!” when they are pretty excited. So when you say “センスいいね!(sensu ī ne)” may sound a little bit cool. The polite way to use it is “センスがいいですね!(sensu ga ī desu ne)”.

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Sample 1


似合にあってる? (How do I look?) (这适合我吗?) (어울려?) (Thấy hợp không?) (niatteru?)


超似合ちょうにあってるよ!センスいいね! (That really suits you! You have good taste!) (超适合你的!真有品味呢!) (완전 잘 어울려! 센스 좋구나!) (Rất hợp đó.Con mắt thẩm mĩ của bạn tốt nhỉ!) (chō niatteru yo! sensu ī ne!)


ありがとう!これは? (Thanks! What about this?) (谢谢!那这个呢?) (고마워! 이건 어때?) (Cảm ơn bạn! Cái này thì sao?) (arigatō! kore wa?)

Sample 2


おはよう! (Good morning!) (早上好!) (안녕!) (Chào buổi sáng!) (ohayō!)


おはよう!あれっ?あたらしい鞄買かばんかったの?いいじゃん!センスいいね! (Good morning! Oh, did you buy a new bag? I like it! You have good taste.) (早上好!嗯?你买了新的包包?不错耶!真有品味呢!) (안녕! 어? 가방 새로 산거야? 괜잖다~! 센스 좋네!) (Chào buổi sáng! Này, em mới mua giày sao? Được đó ! Có con mắt thẩm mĩ đấy!) (ohayō! are? atarashī kaban katta no? ī jan! sensu ī ne!)


うん、昨日買きのうかったんだー!ありがとう! (Yeah! I bought it yesterday! Thanks!) (是呢,我昨天买的!谢谢!) (응, 어제 산 거야! 고마워!) (Vâng, Em mua nó hôm qua! Cảm ơn anh nhé !) (un, kinō katta nda-! arigatō!)

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