What is “shakai jin”? You Should Know
I’d say you have already known the meaning of “学生(gakusei)” which means students, what about “社会人(shakai jin)“? People often want to know someone who is a student or not in daily conversations. Let me introduce what “社会人” means and how to use it today!
社会人 (shakai jin)
Working adults / Working member of society / Working professional / Employees
“社会人(shakai jin)” means “Working adults, Working member of society, Working professional or Employees”. Basically, people want to know if someone is a student or a working member of society. That means, they often ask us about it when applying for something such as bank accounts, credit cards, and travels or when buying cars, houses, etc. Apparently, one of the criteria exists in our life that if someone is a student or a working member of society. For example, you may be asked “学生? or 社会人?” by police in Japan when hanging out with your friends quite midnight around 1 a.m. or so if you look quite younger. Lastly, if you are already working at a certain company, you would be called “社会人“, which everybody uses in both casual and business situations.
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社会人になったら、休み取るのって難しいよねー。 (Once you become a working professional, it’s hard to take time off.) (如果你变成社会人士的话,将会很难请假的。) (사회인이 되면 휴가 내기 어렵지.) (Đi làm rồi thì khó xin nghỉ ha.)

友達は社会人になっても、学生気分が抜けないかな? (I wonder if my friend has already been working, but he behaves like a student.) (即使我的朋友成为社会人士,大概也不会脱离学生味。) (친구는 사회인이 됐는데도 아직도 자기가 학생 같나?) (Bạn tớ dù đã đi làm thì chắc cũng vẫn cái kiểu như sinh viên thôi.)

社会人と学生って全然違うよね。 (The working adults and students are definitely different, aren’t they?) (出社会和当学生完全不同。) (사회인과 학생은 전혀 달라.) (Người đã đi làm với sinh viên đúng là khác xa nhau nhỉ.)

社会人として自己管理した方がいいと思うよ。 (You have to do self-management as a business person.) (我认为作为一个社会人士你应该实行自我管理。) (사회인으로서 자기관리를 하는 편이 좋을 거야.) (Đã là người đi làm thì cậu nên biết tự biết lo cho việc của mình đi.)

就職して社会人になると、名刺が貰えるんだって。 (I’ve heard when we become a member of society, we’ll get our business card.) (当你开始出社会工作时,就会收到名片。) (취직해서 사회인이 되면 명함을 받을 수 있대.) (Nghe nói đi xin việc rồi được nhận vào làm thì sẽ có danh thiếp đấy.)

社会人ならある程度貯金があると思うけど。 (I think a working adult should have at least some savings.) (出社会工作了以后,应该会有一定的存款。) (사회인이라면 어느 정도 모아둔 돈이 있을 텐데.) (Tớ nghĩ người đi làm ít nhiều cũng sẽ có tiền tiết kiệm.)

学生ですか社会人ですか? (Are you a student or do you work?) (是学生还是在工作了?) (학생이에요? 아니면 사회인이에요?) (Bạn còn là sinh viên hay đã đi làm rồi?)

学生だよ。 (I’m a student.) (我是学生。) (학생이야.) (Tôi vẫn là sinh viên.)

社会人です。 (I’m a working adult.) (我已经出社会在工作了。) (사회인이에요.) (Tôi đã đi làm rồi.)
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