Would you like me to ___?:”___shimashou ka?” Japanese Phrase #312
Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “___しましょうか?(___shimashou ka?)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!
___しましょうか?(___shimashou ka?)
Would you like me to ___? / 要不要__? / ___해 드릴까요? / Tôi làm…hộ cho bạn nhé?
When you want to help or do someone something, you would be able to use “___しましょうか?(___shimashou ka?)” which means “Would you like me to ___?”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “__しようか?(shiyō ka)” is used as casual.
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Sample 1

写真撮りましょうか? (Would you like me to take your picture?) (要不要拍张照?) (사진 찍어 드릴까요?) (Tôi chụp ảnh hộ bạn nhé?) (shashin torima shou ka?)

ありがとうございます! (Thank you very much!) (谢谢!) (감사합니다!) (Cảm ơn bạn!) (arigatō gozaimasu!)
Sample 2

ボタン押しましょうか? (Would you like me to press the button for you?) (要不要按一下按钮?) (버튼 눌러 드릴까요?) (Tôi nhấn nút hộ bạn nhé?) (botan oshima shou ka?)

ありがとうございます! (Thanks a lot!) (谢谢!) (감사합니다!) (Cảm ơn bạn!) (arigatō gozaimasu!)
Sample 3

リンク送りましょうか? (Would you want me to send a link?) (¿Quieres que te envíe un enlace?) (rinku okuri mashou ka?)

はい、お願いします! (Yes, please!) (Sí, por favor!) (hai, onegai shimasu.)
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