“shitsubou suru” vs. ”zetsubou suru”:Which is Really Better to Use For You?


“shitsubou suru” vs. ”zetsubou suru”:Which is Really Better to Use For You?

Could you explain what the difference between 失望しつぼう(shitsubou suru) vs 絶望ぜつぼう(zetsubou suru) is? The meaning of these is quite similar, however, native speakers separate these depending on what the situations are. Let me introduce how you correctly use them today!

失望しつぼうする (shitsubou suru)

I’m disappointed.

失望しつぼうする” means “I’m disappointed.” and which has been also used as the meaning of “がっかりする”, so you could use both “失望しつぼうする” and “がっかりする”, however, “がっかりする” is casual than “失望しつぼうする”. Ruther using “がっかりする” is more often used in daily conversations. “失望しつぼうする” is often used as a written word than がっかりする. Furthermore, “失望しつぼうする” is a little bit stronger meaning than “がっかりする”.

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この映画えいがにはがっかりしたよー。 (This movie was a disappointment.)(我对这部电影很失望。) (이 영화는 실망이야.) (Bộ phim này làm tôi thất vọng quá.)

ゆかは完全かんぜん失望しつぼうていたね。 (Yuka feels completely disappointed.) (yuka彻底失望了。) (유카는 완전히 실망했네.) (Yuka hoàn toàn mất hết hy vọng rồi nhỉ.)

ひとのなさに失望しつぼうしたよ。 (I’m disappointed that I’m such a bad judge of people.) (对你没看人的眼光感到很失望。) (사람을 보는 눈이 없다는 것에 실망했어.) (Tớ thấy thật vô vọng vì mình không có mắt nhìn người gì cả.)

このレストランには失望しつぼうしたわー。二度にどないとおもうよ。 (I was disappointed with this restaurant. I think I’ll never come back to here again.) (我对这家餐厅很失望。 我不想再来了。) (이 레스토랑은 실망이야. 다시는 오지 않을 거야.) (Thất vọng với cái nhà hàng này quá. Tớ sẽ không bao giờ quay lại nữa đâu.)

絶望ぜつぼうする (zetsubou suru)

I’m depressed.

絶望ぜつぼうする ” means “I’m depressed.” or “hopeless” which is a much stronger meaning than “失望しつぼうする” such as you don’t want to do anything at all. So, we don’t often use this word in daily conversations than “失望しつぼうする”. Because we don’t often have the situations of “絶望ぜつぼう” than “失望しつぼう“.


とうさんがくなったときは、マジで絶望ぜつぼうしてたよ。 (When my dad past away, I was really depressed.) (当我父亲去世的时候,我真的非常绝望。) (아버지가 돌아가셨을 때는, 정말 절망했어.) (Khi cha tớ qua đời, tớ đã vô cùng tuyệt vọng.)

交通事故こうつうじこあしうしなったときは、マジで絶望ぜつぼうしたわ。最近さいきん大丈夫だいじょうぶだけどね。 (I feel really depressed when I lost my foot after I had a traffic accident. I’m fine nowadays though.) (当我在交通事故中失去了腿的时候,我真的很绝望。不过现在好多了 。) (교통사고로 다리를 잃었을 때는, 정말 절망했어. 최근에는 괜찮지만 말야.) (Khi bị mất chân trong tai nạn giao thông, tớ đã tuyệt vọng vô cùng. Dạo gần đây thì đỡ hơn nhiều rồi.)

大学受験だいがくじゅけんちたよ。絶望ぜつぼうしてなにもしたくない。 (I failed the college entrance exam. I feel really depressed and I don’t want to do anything at all.) (我大学入学考试落榜了。 我很绝望不想做任何事情。) (대학 입시에 떨어졌어. 절망해서 아무것도 하고 싶지 않아.) (Tớ rớt Đại học rồi. Tớ chán đời lắm chẳng muốn làm gì nữa.)

エリート社員しゃいんってよく絶望感ぜつぼうかんをもってやめていくよね。 (The elite employees often feel depressed and leave, don’t they?) (精英员工常常感到绝望而辞职。) (엘리트 사원은 절망감을 잘 느껴서 잘 그만두네.) (Những nhân viên ưu tú đều cảm thấy công việc không có hy vọng gì mà bỏ việc hết cả nhỉ.)

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