Using “son’nani” and “sorehodo” Shouldn’t Be Complicated
I’d say some learners got confused with a nuance of “そんなに(son’nani) and それほど(sorehodo)”. But, don’t worry about it. You would figure out the nuance of them, after reading this. Let me introduce the way to correctly use them!
そんなに / それほど (son’nani / sorehodo)
That (much)
“そんなに(son’nani) and それほど(sorehodo)” mean “That (much)” and the difference between them is that basically “そんなに” has been used as subjective opinions. Whereas, “それほど” has been used as objective opinions. For instance, “このペンはそんなに高くない。(This pen is not that expensive (for me).)” which pen might be expensive for others. Whereas “このペンはそれほど高くない(This pen is not that expensive (for everyone).)” which pen might not be expensive for others. That’s the difference between them. However, some native speakers use them as the same meaning and in this case, “そんなに” is used in daily conversations as casual than “それほど”.
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そんなに長くは遊ばないと思うよ。 (I think I won’t hang out for that long.) (我想应该不会玩太久。) (그렇게 오랫동안은 놀지 않을거야.) (Tớ nghĩ sẽ không chơi lâu đến vậy đâu.) (son’nani nagaku wa asobanai to omou yo.)

そんなにキレイじゃないかな? (I’m wondering if she’s not that beautiful.) (不是很美吧。) (그렇게 깨끗하진 않은가?) (Tớ thấy cũng không đẹp đến vậy đâu?) (son’nani kirei janai ka na?)

そんなに古くからあるの? (Is it really that old?) (那么久之前就有了吗?) (그렇게 오래 전부터 있었어?) (Nó đã có từ hồi xưa đến vậy hả?) (son’nani furuku kara aru no?)

そんなに高くないね。 (It is not that expensive.) (也不是很贵。) (그렇게 높진 않네.) (Cũng không mắc lắm nhỉ.) (son’nani takakunai ne.)

それほど長くは遊ばないよ。 (I don’t play for that long.) (不会玩很久的。) (그렇게 오랫동안은 놀지 않아.) (Tớ nghĩ cũng không chơi lâu đến mức đó đâu.) (sorehodo nagaku wa asobanai yo.)

それほどキレイじゃないよ。 (She’s not that beautiful.) (也不是那么美丽。) (그정도로 깨끗하진 않아.) (Cũng không đẹp đến mức đó đâu.) (sorehodo kirei janai yo.)

それほど古くからあるの? (Is it really that old?) (这是很久以前就有的吗?) (그정도로 오래전부터 있었어?) (Nó đã có từ hồi xưa đến mức đó hả?) (sorehodo furuku kara aru no?)

それほど高くないね。 (It is not that expensive.) (也不是很贵。) (그정도로 높진 않네.) (Cũng không mắc đến mức đó nhỉ.) (sorehodo takakunai ne.)
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