It wasn’t that good.:”sonnani yoku nakatta” Japanese Phrase #529


It wasn’t that good.:”sonnani yoku nakatta” Japanese Phrase #529

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “そんなによくなかった。(sonnani yoku nakatta)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

そんなによくなかった。(sonnani yoku nakatta)

It wasn’t that good. / 没有那么好。 / 그렇게 좋지 않았다. / Không tốt đến mức đó đâu.

When you want to say “It wasn’t that good.”, you would be able to use “そんなによくなかった。(sonnani yoku nakatta)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “そんなによくなかったです。(sonnani yoku nakatta desu)” is used as polite and formal.

Sample 1

この間話あいだはなしてたレストランはどうしたか? (How wat the restaurant you were talking?) (之前你跟我说起的那家餐厅怎么样?) (저번에 얘기하던 레스토랑은 어땠어?) (Nhà hàng mà mình đã nói chuyện mấy bữa trước thế nào rồi?)

そんなによくなかったです。 (It wasn’t that good.) (没有那么好。) (그렇게 좋지 않았어요.) (Không tốt đến vậy.)

Sample 2

ゆかのすすめてくれたレストランにったよ。 (I tried the restaurant you suggested.) (我去了优香你推荐的那家餐厅哦。) (유카가 추천해준 레스토랑에 갔었어.) (Tôi đã đến nhà hàng mà Yuka giới thiệu đấy.)

どうだった? (How was it?) (怎么样?) (어땠어?) (Nó thế nào?)

そんなによくなかったよ。 (It wasn’t that good.) (没有那么好。) (그닥 좋지 않았어.) (Cũng không tốt đến vậy nhỉ.)

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