Antonym:すき (suki) vs. きらい (kirai)


Antonym:すき (suki) vs. きらい (kirai)

What is the difference between “すき(suki) and きらい(kirai)”? Which is used as the meaning of “like”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

すき (suki)

Like / 喜欢 / 좋아하다 / Thích

“すき(suki)” means “Like” and which has been used as the meaning of “to enjoy or approve of something or someone”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___がすきだ。(I like ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしくるまがすきだ。(I like cars.)”, “わたしほんむのがすきです。(I like reading books.)”, “わたしべるのがすきです。(I like eating.)”, etc. Everyone could use “すき” as casual, polite and formal such as “ほんむのがすきだよ。(I like reading books.)” as casual and “ほんむのがすきです。(I like reading books.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “すき” is “き”.

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カニき? (Do you like crab?) (你喜欢吃螃蟹吗?) (게 좋아해?) (Bạn có thích cua không?)


カニはまぁまぁだけど、エビはもっときだよ。 (Crab is okay but I like shrimp more.) (我对螃蟹感觉一般,但我更喜欢吃虾。) (게는 별로 안 좋아해도 새우는 정말 좋아해.) (Cua thì cũng thích, nhưng tôi thích tôm hơn.)


ドライブがきです。 (I like going for a drive.) (我喜欢去兜风。) (드라이브를 좋아합니다.) (Tôi thích lái xe)


ここの雰囲気ふんいききだよ。 (I like the atmosphere here.) (我喜欢这里的气氛。) (여기 분위기를 좋아해.) (Tôi thích bầu không khí ở đây.)

きらい (kirai)

Fate, don’t like / 讨厌 / 싫어하다 / Ghét

“きらい(kirai)” means “Like or don’t like” and which has been used as the meaning of “to dislike someone or something very much”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___がきらいだ。(I hate ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしくるまがきらいだ。(I don’t like cars.)”, “わたしほんむのがきらいです。(I hate reading books.)”, “わたしべるのがきらいです。(I don’t like eating.)”, etc. Everyone could use “きらい” as casual, polite and formal such as “ほんむのがきらいだよ。(I don’t like reading books.)” as casual and “ほんむのがきらいです。(I don’t like reading books.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “きらい” is “きらい”.



カニきらいなの? (Don’t you like crab?) (你讨厌吃螃蟹吗?) (게 싫어해?) (Bạn ghét cua hả?)


待つのがきらいです。 (I hate waiting in line.) (我不喜欢等人。) (기다리는 것을 싫어합니다.) (Tôi ghét phải chờ đợi.)


ドライブがきらいです。 (I don’t like going for a drive.) (我讨厌开车兜风。) (드라이브를 싫어합니다.) (Tôi ghét lái xe.)


ここの雰囲気ふんいききらいだよ。 (I don’t like the atmosphere here.) (我讨厌这里的气氛。) (여기 분위기를 싫어해.) (Tôi ghét bầu không khí ở đây.)

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