I’m looking forward to it!:”tanoshimi ni shiteru ne!” Japanese Phrase #34
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楽しみにしてるね! (tanoshimi ni shiteru ne)
I’m looking forward to it! / 真令人期待! / 기대하고 있을게! / Tôi rất mong chờ nó!
When you are excited and pleased about something that is going to happen, you would say “楽しみにしてるね!(tanoshimi ni shiteru ne)” which is for girls or women so if you are boys or men, you would say “楽しみにしてるよ!(tanoshimi ni shiteru yo)” or “楽しみにしてるわ!(tanoshimi ni shiteru wa)”. When putting something before “楽しみにしてる”, you would be able to explain what you are looking forward such as “会えるのを楽しみにしてるね!” means “I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
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Sample 1

明日、マンガ持ってくるよ! (I’ll get the manga for you tomorrow!) (明天我会带漫画来喔!) (내일 만화 가지고 올게!) (Ngày mai tôi sẽ đem truyện tranh tới!) (ashita, manga motte kuru yo!)

楽しみにしてるね! (I’m looking forward to it!) (真令人期待!) (기대할게!) (Tôi rất mong chờ nó!) (tanoshimi ni shi teru ne!)

じゃあ、また明日! (Ok, see you tomorrow!) (那么,明天见!) (그럼, 내일 보자! (Hẹn gặp lại vào ngày mai!) (jā, mata ashita!)
Sample 2

来週会えるねー! (I’ll see you next week!) (下礼拜就能见面了耶!) (다음주에 만나겠네!) (Tuần sau là có thể găp nhau rồi!) (raishū aeru ne-!)

ゆかに会えるのを楽しみにしてるよ! (I’m looking forward to seeing you, Yuka!) (我很期待看到优香呢!) (유카랑 만나길 기대하고 있어!) (Tôi rất mong được gặp Yuka!) (yuka ni aeru no wo tanoshimi ni shi teru yo!)

私も! (Me too!) (我也是!) (나도!) (Tôi cũng vậy!) (watashi mo!)
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