“tarinai” vs. fusoku:What’s the Difference Between them?
Did you know that although “足りない(tarinai)” and “不足(fusoku)” are the same meaning, the way to use them and the nuance of both is the different? Let me introduce how to correctly use them such as native speakers today!
足りない (tarinai) / 不足 (fusoku)
Lack/Not enough / 不够/短缺 / 부족하다/부족 / Thiếu/Không đủ
“足りない(tarinai) and 不足(fusoku)” mean “Lack and Not enough” and which have been used as the meaning of “the state of being without or not having enough of something”. And although “不足” is the noun form of “足りない”, “不足” sounds pretty formal than “足りない” for us native speakers. The basic way to use “足りない” is “___が足りないです。(___ is not enough.)” and “___が不足しています。(___ is not enough)” or “___不足(lack of ___)” such as “水不足(lack of water)”.
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集中力が足りないのよねー。 (I lack concentration.) (没有足够的注意力。) (집중력이 부족하네.) (Thiếu tập trung nhỉ.) (shūchū ryoku ga tarinai no yo ne-.)

100円足りない! (You are 100 yen short.) (还差100日元!) (100엔 부족해!) (Còn thiếu 100 yen đấy!) (hyaku en tarinai yo!)

説明不足でごめんね! (I’m sorry I didn’t make it clear enough.) (很抱歉没有解释清楚!) (설명이 부족해서 미안해!) (Xin lỗi vì tớ giải thích không kỹ!) (setsumei busoku de gomen ne!)

日本語力が不足してるのかな? (I wonder if I don’t have enough Japanese skill.) (我的日语能力可能还不够。) (일본어 능력이 부족한 걸까?) (Có lẽ khả năng tiếng Nhật của tớ vẫn còn kém?) (nihongo ryoku ga fusoku shiteru no kana?)

これで足りるかなぁ? (What should I do if this is not enough?) (这应该够了吧?) (이걸론 부족할까?) (Thế này là đủ rồi nhỉ?) (kore de tariru ka nā?)

最近睡眠不足でさー。 (I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately.) (我最近睡眠不足啊。) (최근 수면부족이어서 말이야~.) (Gần đây tớ thiếu ngủ lắm.) (saikin suimin busoku de sa-.)

最近日本語の練習が足りないかも? (I wonder if I haven’t been practicing Japanese enough lately.) (最近日语的练习是不是不够?) (최근 일본어 연습이 부족했을지도 몰라.) (Gần đây có lẽ tớ luyện tập tiếng Nhật chưa đủ?) (saikin nihongo no renshū ga tarinai kamo?)

説明不足だと思います。 (I think your explanation is not enough.) (我想是解释不够清楚。) (설명이 부족하다고 생각합니다.) (Tôi nghĩ lời giải thích này vẫn chưa đủ.) (setsumei busoku dato omoi masu.)
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