tenki vs tenkou:Use These Depending On the Situations


天気てんき vs. 天候てんこう: Use These Depending On the Situations

What is the difference between “天気てんき(tenki) and 天候てんこう(tenkou)“? Which do you use the weather in a wide area? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

天気てんき (tenki) / 天候てんこう (tenkou)

Weather / 天气/气候 / 날씨/기후 / Thời tiết(trong ngày)/Thời tiết(trong phạm vi thời gian dài hơn)

Both “天気てんき and 天候てんこう” means “Weather” and which has been used as the meaning of ” the conditions in the air above the earth such as wind, rain, or temperature, especially at a particular time over a particular area”. The basic way to use it “天気てんきが___(The weather is ____)”, “天候てんこうが___(The weather is ____)”, etc. For instance “天気てんきいです(A weather is nice.)”, “天候てんこういです(A weather is nice.)”, etc. The tips for using “天気てんき” and “天候てんこう” are that “天気てんき” is used as the meaning of “a short period of time” such as “24 hours” whereas “天候てんこう” is used as the meaning of “a long period of time” such as “several weeks”. So “天候てんこう” is used as the meaning of between “天気てんき(weather)” and “気候きこう(climate)”. Thus, when native speakers say “天気てんきわるい”, which means “The weather is bad (today).” and when they say “天候てんこうわるい” which means “The weather has been bad (lately)”. Lastly, native speakers also may get confused about these, so we often say “最近さいきん天候てんこうわるいです(The weather has been bad LATELY.” that native speakers easily understand. Again, the point of using these is “A short or long period of time.” And “天候てんこう” is a little bit formal than “天気てんき“.

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天気てんきいいね! (It’s a nice day, isn’t it?) (天气不错!) (날씨 좋다!) (Thời tiết đẹp nhỉ!)


最近さいきんごしやすい天候てんこうだよ。 (It’s been a comfortable weather.) (最近的气候很舒适哦。) (최근 살기 좋은 날씨야.) (Dạo này thời tiết khá dễ chịu đấy!)


今日きょうは、ごしやすい天気てんきだよ。 (It’s a comfortable weather today.) (今天的天气很舒适哦。) (오늘은 살기 좋은 날씨야.) (Hôm nay thời tiết rất dễ chịu đấy!)


天気てんき予報よほうってあてにならないよねー。 (We can’t rely on weather forecasts, can’t we?) (天气预报都不准。) (날씨예고는 맞질 않아..) (Không tin được vào dự báo thời tiết nhỉ!)


今日きょう天気てんきはいいよ。 (The weather is so nice today.) (今天的天气很好。) (오늘 날씨는 좋아.) (Thời tiết hôm nay đẹp lắm đó!)


最近さいきん天候てんこうはいいよ。 (The weather has been so nice lately.) (最近的天气很不错。) (최근 날씨가 좋네.) (Thời tiết dạo này khá tốt đấy!)


このツアーは天候てんこうによって左右さゆうされるみたい。 (It seems this tour depends on the weather.) (这次的旅游可能会根据天气而有所影响。) (이 투어는 날씨에 따라 좌지우지되는 것 같아.) (Nghe nói chuyến đi này bị phụ thuộc vào tình hình thời tiết.)


ソウルの天気てんきはどう? (How’s the weather like in Seoul today?) (首尔的天气怎么样?) (서울의 날씨는 어떄?) (Thời tiết ở Seoul thế nào?)

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