“tensai” vs. “shūsai“:Which is Much Higher Skill?
What is the difference between “天才(tensai) and 秀才(shūsai)“? Which is a much higher skill? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
天才 (tensai)
Genius (by nature) / 天才 / 천재 / Thiên tài
“天才(tensai)” means “Genius” and which has been used as the meaning of “very great and rare natural ability or skill, especially in a particular subject or activity”. The basic way to use it “___は天才です(___ is a genius)”, etc. For instance, “彼は天才です(He is a genius)”. The tips for using it is that actually “天才” is a special person who we don’t normally meet. However, you would be able to half-jokingly use “天才” in daily conversations to your friends such as “お前、マジ天才だな!(You’re truly a genius!)” for guys and “マジ天才じゃん!(You’re truly a genius!)” for girls. Furthermore, basically “天才” is used as the meaning of “by nature” except “working hard”.
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たつやマジ天才じゃん! (You’re truly a genius, Tatsuya!) (达也真是个天才!) (타츠야 진짜 천재야!) (Tatsuya đúng là một thiên tài!) (Tatsuya maji tensai jan!)

僕は天才かもしれない!なんてね。笑 (I might be a genius, just kidding! haha) (我可能是个天才!开玩笑的。笑) (나는 천재일지도 몰라! 막 이래. 하하.) (Biết đâu có khi tớ là một thiên tài cũng nên! ha ha ha) (boku wa tensai kamo shirenai! nante ne. wara)

レイって天才だよね?試験を全部Aで通ったらしいよ! (Rei is such a genius, isn’t he? I’ve heard he passed his exam with straight As.) (玲衣是天才吧?听说考试全拿A哦!) (레이카는 천재지? 시험을 전부 A로 통과했다나 봐!) (Rei đúng là thiên tài nhỉ! Nghe nói cậu ấy đã vượt qua kì thi với điểm A tất cả các môn đấy!) (Rei tte tensai dayo ne? shiken wo zenbu A de tōtta rashī yo!)

お前、マジ天才だな!笑 (You’re truly a genius! Lol) (你真是个天才!笑) (너 진짜 천재구나! 하하.) (Mày đúng là thiên tài đấy! Ha ha) (omae, maji tensai dana! wara)
秀才 (shūsai)
Prodigy / 奇才 / 수재 / Tài giỏi
“秀才(shūsai)” means “Prodigy” and which has been used as the meaning of “someone with a very great ability that usually shows itself when that person is a young child”. The basic way to use it “___は秀才です(___ is a prodigy)”, etc. For instance, “彼は秀才です(He is a prodigy)”. The tips for using it is that “秀才” is a pretty special person who we sometimes meet that means a person is “秀才” who does not have much skill than “天才“, although he/she is so smart/ However, he/she has to work harder to be smart than a person who is “天才(Genius)”. “天才” > “秀才“.

たつやマジ秀才じゃん! (You’re truly a prodigy, Tatsuya!) (达也真是个奇才!) (타츠야 진짜 수재잖아!) (Tatsuya thật là xuất sắc!) (Tatsu ya maji shūsai jan!)

秀才は天才を超えられない・・・か。 (A prodigy can’t exceed all geniuses…) (有才华的人不能超越天才吗?) (수재는 천재를 넘을 수 없어… 인가.) (Người tài giỏi thì vẫn không thể vượt qua một thiên tài sao?) (shūsai wa tensai wo koerare nai…ka.)

レイって秀才だよね?試験を全部Aで通ったらしいよ! (Rei is such a genius, isn’t he? I’ve heard he passed his exam with straight As.) (玲衣难道是很有才华的人?听说考试全拿A哦!) (레이는 수재지? 시험을 전부 A로 통과했다나 봐!) (Rei xuất sắc nhỉ! Nghe nói cậu ấy đã vượt qua kì thi với điểm A tất cả các môn đấy!) (Rei tte shūsai dayo ne? shiken wo zenbu A de tōtta rashī yo!)

秀才は毎日3時間勉強するけど、天才はたった10分か・・・ (A prodigy studys three hours every day, but a genius studys only 10 minutes…) (有才华的人每天需要3小时来学习,而天才只需要10分钟而已……) (수재는 매일 3시간을 공부하지만 천재는 단 10분만에…) (Người tài giỏi thì học ba tiếng một ngày, nhưng thiên tài chỉ cần có 10 phút thôi sao · · ·) (shūsai wa mainichi san jikan benkyō suru kedo, tensai wa tatta juppun ka…)
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