Antonym:とくい (tokui) vs. にがて (nigate)


Antonym:とくい (tokui) vs. にがて (nigate)

What is the difference between “とくい(tokui) and にがて(nigate)”? Which is used as the meaning of “be good at”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

とくい (tokui)

Be good at / 擅长 / 특기 / Giỏi, mạnh

“とくい(tokui)” means “Be good at” and which has been used as the meaning of “able to do something well”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___がとくいだ。(I’m good at ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし野球やきゅうがとくいだ。(I’m good at playing baseball.)”, “わたしはピアノがとくいだ。(I’m good at playing the piano.)”, “わたし料理りょうりがとくいだ。(I’m good at cooking.)”, etc. Everyone could use “りょうり” as casual, polite and formal such as “料理りょうりがとくいだよ。(I’m good at cooking.)” as casual and “料理りょうりがとくいです。(I’m good at cooking.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of とくい” is “得意とくい“.

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くのが得意とくいだよ。 (I’m good at drawing pictures.) (我擅长画画。) (그림을 잘 그려.) (Tôi giỏi vẽ tranh.)


およぎが得意とくいです。 (I’m good at swimming.) (我擅长游泳。) (수영을 잘합니다.) (Tôi giỏi bơi lội.)


料理りょうり得意とくいです。 (I’m good at cooking.) (我擅长烹饪。) (요리를 잘합니다.) (Tôi giỏi nấu ăn.)


水泳すいえい得意とくいだよ。 (I’m at good swiming.) (我擅长游泳。) (수영을 잘해.) (Tôi giỏi bơi lội.)

にがて (nigate)

Not be good at / 不擅长 / 약하다 / Kém, yếu

“にがて(nigate)” means “Not be good at” and which has been used as the meaning of “not able to do something well”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___がにがてだ。(I’m not good at ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし野球やきゅうがにがてだ。(I’m not good at playing baseball.)”, “わたしはピアノがにがてだ。(I’m not good at playing the piano.)”, “わたし料理りょうりがにがてだ。(I’m not good at cooking.)”, etc. Everyone could use “りょうり” as casual, polite and formal such as “料理りょうりがにがてだよ。(I’m not good at cooking.)” as casual and “料理りょうりがにがてです。(I’m not good at cooking.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of にがて” is “苦手にがて“.



くのが苦手にがてだよ。 (I’m not good at drawing pictures.) (我不擅长绘画。) (그림을 못 그려.) (Tôi không giỏi vẽ tranh.)


およぎが苦手にがてです。 (I’m not good at swimming.) (我不擅长游泳。) (수영을 못합니다.) (Tôi không giỏi bơi lội.)


料理りょうり苦手にがてです。 (I’m not good at cooking.) (我不擅长烹饪。) (요리를 못합니다.) (Tôi không giỏi nấu ăn.)


水泳すいえい苦手にがてだよ。 (I’m not at good swiming.) (我不擅长游泳。) (수영을 못해.) (Tôi không giỏi bơi lội.)

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