”toshiue” vs. ”toshiyori”:Don’t Use ”toshiyori” to Elderly People!


”toshiue” vs. ”toshiyori”:Don’t Use ”toshiyori” to Elderly People!

What is the difference between “年上としうえ(toshiue) and 年寄としより(toshiyori)”? Which is used as rude? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

年上としうえ (toshiue)

A person who is older than you / 年纪较大 / 연상 / lớn tuổi

年上としうえ(toshiue)” means “A person who is older than you” The basic way to use it is “___はわたし年上としうえだ。(___ is older than me.)”, “わたしより___才年上さいとしうえ(___ years older than me)”, etc. For instance, “かれわたし年上としうえだ。(He is older than me.)”, “わたしより2才年上にさいとしうえ(two years older than me)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “年上としうえ” doesn’t have both a good and bad meaning, it’s just normal. You would explain HOW OLD HE/SHE IS OLDER THAN YOU. Everybody could use it both in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “かれわたし年上としうえだよ。(He is older than me.)” in daily conversations as casual and “かれわたし年上としうえです。(He is older than me.)” as polite and formal.

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彼氏かれしにするなら年上としうえがいいな。 (If I were to pick a boyfriend, older men are better.) (如果要交男朋友的话还是年纪比我大的好啊。) (남자친구 만든다면 연상이 좋겠어.) (Nếu là làm bạn trai thì lớn tuổi hơn thì tốt nhỉ.)


2歳にさい年上としうえあにがいます。 (I have a brother who is two years older than me.) (我有一个比我大两岁的哥哥。) (2살 연상의 오빠가 있습니다.) (Tôi có anh trai lớn hơn tôi 2 tuổi.)


いもうとは、実際じっさい年齢ねんれいよりも年上としうえられるの。くさ (My sister looks older than her age. haha) (我的妹妹看起来比实际年龄大。哈) (여동생은 실제 나이보다 나이가 많아 보여. 하하.) (Em gái tớ trông già hơn tuổi thật của nó. Haha)


ここでは、ぼく一番いちばん年上としうえだとおもうけど。 (I think I’m probably the eldest here.) (在这里,我是年纪最大的。) (여기에서는 내가 가장 연상이라고 생각하는데.) (Tôi nghĩ tôi là lớn tuổi nhất ở đây.)

年寄としより (toshiyori)

Old people / 老人 / 노인 / người già

年寄としより(toshiyori)” means “Old people” and which has been used as the meaning “people who are over 60”. The basic way to use it is “___は年寄としよりだ。(___ is an old person.)”, etc. For instance, “あのひと年寄としよりだ。(That guy is an old person.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “年寄としより” have ONLY A NEGATIVE MEANING, unlike “年上としうえ“. They don’t want to hear “年寄としより” from people. So, we have to use “ご年配ねんぱいかた” or “ご高齢こうれいかた” instead of “年寄としより”. They mean “elderly people”. So, don’t use “年寄としより” to elderly people who may feel bad to hear that. Everybody could use them both in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “あのひと年寄としよりだね。(That guy is an old person.)” or “あのひとはご年配ねんぱいかた/ご高齢こうれいかただね。(That guy is an elderly person.)” in daily conversations as casual and “あのひと年寄としよりです。(That guy is an old person.)” or “あのひとはご年配ねんぱいかた/ご高齢こうれいかたです。(That guy is an elderly person.)” as polite and formal.). Lastly, when blaming elderly people, they tend to use “年寄としより”.



優先席ゆうせんせきすわったらダメだよ。ここはご年配ねんぱいかた専用せんようだよ。 (Don’t seat priority seats! Only elderly people could use here.) (你不能坐在优先座位上。这里专供老年人使用。) (노약자석에 앉으면 안돼. 이곳은 어르신 전용이야.) (Không được ngồi chỗ ghế ưu tiên đâu. Đó là chỗ dành riêng cho người cao tuổi đấy.)


レイが「年寄としよりってあんまりきじゃないんだよね。」ってってたよ。 (Rei said “I don’t like old people that much.”) (雷说:“我不喜欢老人家”。) (레이가 “노인은 별로 좋아하지 않아”라고 말했었어.) (Ray đã nói là “Tôi không thích người già tý nào cả.”.)


もー、年寄としよりじゃなくて、ご高齢こうれいかたね! (Oh, don’t use old people, you know! You have to use elderly people!) (真是的,不是老人,年长的人!) (정말!~ 노인이 아니라, 어르신이라 해야지!) (Này, không phải người già, mà là người cao tuổi nhé!)


日本にほんには、ご年配ねんぱいかた感謝かんしゃあらわ祝日しゅくじつがあります。 (In Japan, there is a holiday where we show respect for the elderly.) (日本有对老人表示感谢的节日。) (일본에는 어르신께 감사를 표하는 공휴일이 있습니다.) (Ở Nhật có ngày lễ để thể hiện lòng biết ơn với người cao tuổi.)

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