tsuika vs. kuwaeru:There is A Slight Difference


追加ついか vs. くわえる: There is A Slight Difference

What is the difference between “追加ついか(tsuika)” and “くわえる(kuwaeru)”? Although they have the same meaning, there are subtle differences. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

追加ついか (tsuika) / くわえる (kuwaeru)

Add / 追加/补加 / 추가/더하다 / Bổ sung/Thêm

追加ついか and くわえる” mean “Add” and which has been used for the meaning “join something to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount”. The tips of the way to use both “追加ついか and くわえる” are that “追加ついか” is used for the things which already exists and “くわえる” is used as the meaning of “the first time” to add something to something else. For instance, “コーヒーに牛乳ぎゅうにゅうくわえる(add the milk to coffee)” which was the first time and after adding the milk, “コーヒーに牛乳ぎゅうにゅう追加ついかする(add the milk to coffee)” which is more than the second time. “せんくわえる(add a line)” means adding the line is the first time and “せん追加ついかする(add a line)” means “adding the line” is more than the second time that is not the first time. Furthermore, although “追加ついかする” can only be used for more than the second time, “くわえる” can not only be used for the first time, but it also used for more than the second time such as “コーヒーに牛乳ぎゅうにゅうくわえる(add the milk to coffee)” which is used for the first time and “コーヒーにさらに牛乳ぎゅうにゅうくわえる(add more the milk to coffee)” which is the second time.

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デザートを追加ついかしていいですか? (Can we add dessert to our order?) (我可以追加甜点吗?) (디저트를 추가해도 될까요?) (Tôi có thể gọi thêm món tráng miệng không?)

追加ついか数字すうじ記載きさいしておいたよ。 (I added some numbers.) (用数字记一下追加的东西。) (추가로 숫자를 써 뒀어.) (Tớ đã viết thêm số liệu vào rồi đấy.)

ホイップクリームを追加ついかでおねがいします。 (Please add whip cream.) (麻烦请追加鲜奶油。) (휘핑 크림을 추가해 주세요.) (Làm ơn cho tôi thêm kem tươi!)

追加ついか注文ちゅうもんしてもいいですか? (Can I add to that?) (我可以加点吗?) (추가로 주문해도 될까요?) (Tôi có thể gọi thêm món không?)

このコーヒーにがっ! (This coffee is bitter!) (这咖啡好苦!) (이 커피 써!) (Cà phê này đắng quá!)

砂糖さとうくわえたら? (Why don’t you add sugar?) (要加糖吗?) (설탕 넣으면?) (Thử thêm đường xem?)

こおりくわえてもらえる? (Can you add some ice?) (能加冰吗?) (얼음 넣어줄래?) (Có thể cho tôi thêm đá không?)

かしこまりました! (Sure!) (好的!) (알겠습니다!) (Vâng ạ!)

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