Antonym:つくる(tsukuru) vs. こわす(kowasu)


Antonym:つくる(tsukuru) vs. こわす(kowasu)

What is the difference between “つくる(tsukuru) and こわす(kowasu)”? Which is used as the meaning of “make”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

つくる (tsukuru)

Make / 制造 / 만들다 / Làm ra, tạo ra

“つくる(tsukuru)” means “Make” and which has been used as the meaning of “to produce something, often using a particular substance or material”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___をつくる。(I make ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはいすをつくる。(I make a chair.)”, “わたしはつくえをつくる。(I make a desk.)”, “わたしはアプリをつくる。(I make apps.)”, etc. Everyone could use “つくる” as casual, polite and formal such as “アプリをつくるよ。(I make apps.)” as casual and “アプリをつくります。(I make apps.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “つくる” is “つくる”.

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時間じかんつくるね。 (I’ll make time.) (我会抽时间。) (시간 비워둘게.) (Tôi sẽ dành thời gian cho bạn nhé.)


明日あしたきょくつくります。 (I will make a song.) (我明天打算作曲。) (내일 곡을 만들 겁니다.) (Ngày mai, tôi sẽ viết một khúc nhạc.)


ワインはブドウからつくられています。 (Wine is made from grapes.) (葡萄酒由葡萄酿制而成。) (와인은 포도로 만듭니다.) (Rượu vang được làm từ nho.)


これ自分じぶんつくったの? (Did you make this yourself?) (这是你自己做的吗?) (이거 네가 만든 거야?) (Bạn đã tự mình làm ra cái này hả?)

こわす (kowasu)

Break / 破坏 / 망가뜨리다 / làm vỡ, làm hỏng

“こわす(kowasu)” means “Break” and which has been used as the meaning of ” to separate suddenly or violently into two or more pieces”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたしは___をこわす。(I break ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはいすをこわす。(I break a chair.)”, “わたしはつくえをこわす。(I break a desk.)”, “わたしはさらをこわす。(I break a dish.)”, etc. Everyone could use “こわす” as casual, polite and formal such as “いすをこわしたよ。(I broke a chair.)” as casual and “いすをこわしました。(I broke a chair.)” as polite and formal. Kanji of “こわす” is “こわす”.



おもちゃこわしたの? (Did you break toys?) (你把玩具弄坏了?) (장난감 망가뜨렸어?) (Bạn đã làm hỏng đồ chơi hả?)


だれがこれこわしたんですか? (Who broke this?) (是谁弄坏了这个?) (누가 이거 망가뜨린 건가요?) (Ai đã làm hỏng cái này?)


おとうとはいすをこわしました。 (My brother broke a chair.) (我弟弟弄坏了椅子。) (남동생은 의자를 망가뜨렸다.) (Em trai tôi đã làm hỏng cái ghế.)


あーあ!こわれちゃった! (Oh, no! It’s broken!) (啊!我弄坏了!) (아아! 망가졌다!) (Aaaaa! Tôi lỡ làm vỡ mất rồi!)

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