“tsūkin” vs. “shukkin“:Similar Words with Subtle Differences
What is the difference between “通勤(tsūkin)” and “出勤(shukkin)“? They have subtle differences. Is the meaning of “to go to work” “通勤” or “出勤“? Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
通勤 (tsūkin)
Commute / 通勤 / 통근 / Đi làm
“通勤(tsūkin)” means “commute” and which has been used as the meaning of “to make the same journey regularly between work and home”. “通勤” is a noun and “通勤する” is a verb. The basic way to use them is “通勤___” such as “通勤時間(the commute time)” and “___で通勤する” such as “電車で通勤します(I commute to work by rail.)”.
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電車で通勤してるよ。 (I commute to work by rail.) (我坐火车上下班哦。) (전철로 출퇴근 하고 있어.) (Tôi đi làm bằng tàu điện.) (densha de tsūkin shi teru yo.)

通勤時間はどのぐらい? (How long is your commute?) (上下班要花多少时间?) (출퇴근은 얼마나 걸려?) (Thời gian đi làm mất khoảng bao lâu?) (tsūkin jikan wa dono gurai?)

通勤手段は何? (How do you commute to work?) (你上班方法是什么?) (출퇴근 수단은 뭐야?) (Phương tiện đi làm là gì?) (tsūkin shudan wa nani?)

バスだよ。 (I take the bus.) (搭公共汽车。) (버스야.) (Bằng xe buýt.) (basu dayo.)
出勤 (shukkin)
Go to work / 出勤 / 출근 / Tới nơi làm
“出勤(shukkin)” means “Go to work” and which has been used as the meaning of “to leave the house to go to the workplace”. “出勤” is a noun, such as “出勤日(a working day)” and “出勤する” is a verb such “出勤します(I go to work.). Although you would also use “会社へ行く” as “出勤する”, it sounds pretty childish in business situations. However, between your friends, “会社へ行くね(I go to work.)” would be fine instead of “出勤するね(I go to work.)”.

今日はいつもより早く出勤したよ。 (I went to work earlier than usual today.) (今天比平常上班要早到呢。) (오늘은 평소보다 일찍 출근했어요.) (Hôm nay tôi tới nơi làm sớm hơn mọi khi đấy.) (kyō wa itsumo yori hayaku shukkin shita yo.)

明日が最終出勤日なんだ。 (Tomorrow will be my last day of work.) (明天是我最后一个工作日。) (내일이 마지막 출근이야.) (Ngày mai là ngày đi làm cuối cùng của tôi.) (ashita ga saishū shukkin bi nanda.)

何時出勤なの? (What time do you get to work?) (你几点去上班?) (몇 시 출근이야?) (Khi nào bạn tới nơi làm?) (nanji shukkin nano?)

出勤したら教えてよ。 (Let me know when you come to work.) (去上班的话请告诉我。) (출근하면 알려줘.) (Vui lòng cho tôi biết khi bạn tới nơi làm.) (shukkin shitara oshiete yo.)
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